SherryDong / LEGO

We have developed a novel method named LEGO (functional Link Enrichment of Gene Ontology or gene sets). Incorporating a network-based gene-weighting scheme, LEGO measures the overlaps between the interesting genes and a given gene set by integrating both the gene weights and gene-gene interactions.
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README for LEGO (V2.0) Time-stamp: <2015-10-13 12:00 by Xinran Dong & Yun Hao & Zhu Liu>

We have developed a novel method named LEGO (functional Link Enrichment of Gene Ontology or gene sets). Incorporating a network-based gene-weighting scheme, LEGO measures the overlaps between the interesting genes and a given gene set by integrating both the gene weights and gene-gene interactions.

Please Cite:

LEGO: a novel method for gene set over-representation analysis by incorporating network-based gene weights.

In the main directory, you could type: $ perl and you will see the help message.

The usage for this program:

############################################################################################### perl [options]


-h/-help: show help message.
-pre: <whether or not to pre-run to generate mid files,1-yes,0-no(e.g:0)> 
-multi: <multi or not:1-yes,0-no(e.g:0)> 
-bgNE: <bgNE for the network,e.g:0.25> 
-min: <minimum gene set size,e.g:5> 
-max: <maximum gene set size,e.g:10000> 
-adj: <adjusted methods,e.g:fdr> 
-p_thre: <p value cutoff,e.g:0.05> 
-fisher: <whether or not run fisher exact test, 1-yes,0-no,e.g: 0> 
-filter: <whether or not run result cluster and filter step, 1-yes, 0-no, e.g: 1> 
-bg_file: <background file, e.g: bg.txt, if do not have background file, leave it blank>


And we also provide a version that do not use permutation strategy:

The usage for this program:


perl [options]


    -h/-help: show help message.
    -pre: <whether or not to pre-run to generate mid files,1-yes,0-no(e.g:0)>
    -multi: <multi or not:1-yes,0-no(e.g:0)>
    -bgNE: <bgNE for the network,e.g:0.25>
    -min: <minimum gene set size,e.g:5>
    -max: <maximum gene set size,e.g:10000>
    -adj: <adjusted methods,e.g:fdr>
    -p_thre: <p value cutoff,e.g:0.05>
    -fisher: <whether or not run fisher exact test, 1-yes,0-no,e.g: 0>
    -filter: <whether or not run result cluster and filter step, 1-yes, 0-no, e.g: 0>
    -bg_file: <background file, e.g: bg.txt, if do not have background file, leave it blank> \n";


Example1 (for single interesting gene list file): perl demo/FC2_human.txt demo/GeneSet_human.txt demo/input.txt Example2 (for multiple interesting gene list file): perl demo/FC2_human.txt demo/GeneSet_human.txt demo/input_mul.txt -multi 1 Example3 (for single interesting gene list file and filtered results): perl demo/FC2_human.txt demo/GeneSet_human.txt demo/input.txt -filter 1 Example4 (for multiple interesting gene list file and filtered results): perl demo/FC2_human.txt demo/GeneSet_human.txt demo/input_mul.txt -multi 1 -filter 1 Example5 (for single interesting gene list file + bg file): perl demo/FC2_human.txt demo/GeneSet_human.txt demo/input.txt -bg_file demo/bg.txt

Example6 (for single interesting gene list file with background list): perl demo/FC2_human.txt demo/GeneSet_human.txt demo/input.txt -bg_file demo/bg.txt Example7 (for multiple interesting gene list file with background list): perl demo/FC2_human.txt demo/GeneSet_human.txt demo/input_mul.txt -multi 1 -bg_file demo/bg.txt


  1. Output files: _LEGO.txt, if you choose to filter & cluster enriched gene sets, another two files will be generated: _LEGO_filter.txt _LEGO_filter_cluster.txt (set -filter 1)
  2. The first time to run this program will take about several minutes to generate mid-files(according to the size of the network and genesets). If you want to re-generate the mid files, set -pre_run to 1; If you have already generated the mid-files for network and genesets, it will only take several seconds to calculate a new input gene list (set -pre_run to generate mid files to 0)
  3. The first time to use, it will take maybe several minutes to generate the permutation results. We provide the pre-generated mid files for data/GeneSet_human.txt.
  4. If you want to use the background file, you could only use;
  5. The gene ID in the network, gene set and input gene list must be the same ID system.
  6. More options are available at our online server It will be available soon.

for plot


Usage: plot_LEGO.R <input interesting gene list file> <enriched output file> <output file prefix> <network file name> <network+gene set prefix,e.g: demo/GeneSet_human.txt_FC2_human> <CS or NW> <plot gene set name, can be comma saperated> 


Rscript src/plot_LEGO.R  demo/input.txt demo/input.txt_id.out_LEGO.txt demo/input_REACTOME_KINESINS demo/FC2_human.txt demo/GeneSet_human.txt_FC2_human CS REACTOME_KINESINS