Shift3 / standards-and-practices

Standards and Practices for Bitwise Industries
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[bug]: Fix the View On GitHub button location on the gh-pages site #358

Closed markrogers9109 closed 2 years ago

markrogers9109 commented 2 years ago

Expected Behavior

The button should be in a location that makes sense for the user and doesn't cover any content.

Actual/Current Behavior

The button is in a fixed position and covers the content initially and as you scroll.

Steps to Reproduce the Problem

  1. Go to the gh-pages site for this repo on your computer.
  2. You should be able to see where the button is located from there.

Pre-Testing TODOs

What needs to be done before testing.

  1. N/A

Testing Steps

If you are not a member of this project, skip this step

How do the users test this change?

  1. Navigate to the gh-pages site for this repo on your computer.
  2. Verify that the button is now located below the links in the sidebar nav.


Please provide OS Version and Platform/Browser.

Windows 11 in Chrome


Describe the research stage.

Troubleshoot how the styles are being rendered on the gh-pages site. Find documentation on how to add custom styles to override the leap-day theme. Find out how to test the site locally to verify your changes are working before you push up the changes.

Links to blog posts, patterns, libraries or addons that could be used to solve this problem.