Shift3 / standards-and-practices

Standards and Practices for Bitwise Industries
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bitwise practices standards

Standards and Practices

Reason for Repo

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Code of Conduct

  1. No cussing; we're beyond that.
  2. Keep the requests and issues professional and relevant to the work we're doing at Bitwise.
  3. Treat others with the same respect you would if you were talking to them in person. Don't be a jerk.
  4. Have fun and share your knowledge!

New to Bitwise?

Here's what we expect you to know before you write any code:

Get set up with GitHub


Code Versioning

Project Setup

Code Review

Machine Setup

Mac: Install:

Using Chocolatey has several advantages:

  1. You can install most of the software you need just by running a single script.
  2. You can update all of this software later by running choco upgrade all as Administrator.
  3. Chocolatey will automatically skip installing browser toolbars and junk like that.

Account Setup

You will need to schedule time with Greg Goforth, Corey Schuman, Chris Hawkins, or Jody Hicks to gain access to the following:

AWS Account:
Bitwise Standards & Practices Meetings:
Meetings are now split into two types:
Frontend Masters:

Need Help?

Getting stuck is a natural part of development and happens to the best of us. It's better to reach out than to stay silent, and we encourage you to do so. If you find yourself stuck on a task for more than 45 minutes, here are a couple of places to get help:

Problem Solving:

Try to use these suggested ways to better your problem solving skills when stuck on tasks. How to think like a programmer — lessons in problem solving

Communication Channels:
  1. Your team channel - When you start a project, you will be added to a private team channel. Feel free to ask your questions there! Your team lead may be able to help you through your blocker.
  2. bwtc-stackoverflow - Did you know we have our own Stack Overflow? Take a look, it has some great questions and answers.
  3. bwtc-technical-discussions - Great place for technical questions that involve some code.

Problem Solving

While reaching out for help is very important when getting stuck, developers are expected to try and problem solve before seeking help else where. A good read on how to problem solve is listed below

Problem Solving

Contributing to Bitwise

You are expected to contribute something to our processes. You can do this in many different ways, such as leading a BW Developer Connect meeting, writing up a markdown sheet for this repository on a topic you are passionate about, leading a workshop, or posting discussion topics in Bitwise's #bwtc-technical-discussions channel.

Click Here to start contributing.