ShimmyMySherbet / DiscordWebhooks

A lightweight discord webhook client with modern message constructors.
MIT License
8 stars 4 forks source link
async discord discordwebhook


A lightweight Discord webhook library.

Provides Async and non-Async APIs. Currently supports everything the Discord webhook API provides.


Feature Backlog
Posting Messages N/A
Editing Messages N/A
Deleting Messages N/A
Uploading Attachments N/A
Embedding Attachments N/A
Message Embeds N/A
Forums Channel Support N/A
Ping Settings N/A
Embed Suppression N/A
Ratelimit Handling N/A
Discord Error Handling N/A
Markdown Text Utilities N/A

And more not listed here

Platform Support

.NET 4.8
.NET Standard 2.0
.NET Core 3.1
.NET 6
.NET 7


Install via Nu-get: Install-Package ShimmyMySherbet.DiscordWebhook

Usage Example:

// instance-based webhook client with support for forum and text channels.
var channel = new DiscordWebhookChannel(ForumsChannelWebhookURL);

channel.OnRatelimit += LogRatelimitEvent;

var ausRole = 1138469998130634753ul;

var patchNotes = "* New vehicle Added (Kayak)\n" +
                    "* Lag fix\n" +
                    "* Improved enemy AI\n" +
                    "* New aggressive mobs\n" +
                    "* New boss battles\n" +
                    "* Fixed npc bugs\n" +
                    "* Map update";

var message = new WebhookMessage()
                .CreateThread("Australia v0.4.2 Patch Notes") // Creates a thread in forums channels
                .PassEmbed() // Creates an embed and returns it
                     .WithTitle("Australia Patch Notes")
                     .WithDescription("New update just dropped")
                     .WithField("Change notes", patchNotes)
                     .UploadImage(@".\aus.png") // Also supports uploading byte[]
                     .Finalize(); // returns the parent WebhookMessage

var sent = await channel.PostMessageAsync(message);

await Task.Delay(1000);

// Modify message object
          .PingsRole(ausRole); // Allows the message to ping the role

// Edit message with new content
await sent.EditMessageAsync(message);

await Task.Delay(10000);
await sent.DeleteAsync();