Shirajuki / anki-redesign

Anki redesign - a new lightweight look for Anki
63 stars 4 forks source link
addon anki anki-redesign hacktoberfest redesign


A new lightweight look for Anki compatible with most (if not all) versions of Anki 2.1.X running QT5 and QT6. - Specifically tested on Anki 2.1.49

Note: This add-on uses hooks and doesn't overwrite the original Anki code views that much, meaning that most add-ons should properly work with Anki-redesign enabled. However, if there is any add-on found to not be working properly, feel free to make an issue and I'll try to add support for it! (List of tested addons and manual fixes for them to work can be seen on the project github wiki.)

Note2: This addon also works as a theming addon as it enables the possibility of user customization on almost all Anki views/windows through the injection of CSS and QT CSS on the different components. The adding of custom styling can be done by copying over the css files from ./files to ./user_files and then editing the styling there. Primary color of button focus, link color, as well as the font, can be changed in the addon config.

Note3: If the addon is not updating try open anki while holding shift to turn off all addons, then update and restart. :)

Manually tested on the following Anki versions:

(Planned) Updates / todos (as of 04.02.2023):


  1. Download the Add-on from AnkiWeb
  2. there will be an Anki-redesign menu at the top. Click the config submenu to open the Anki-redesign Configuration dialog.
  3. Customize Anki as you like, see the readme image
  4. The colors will update after clicking "Save", however to make sure everything is updated, do a restart after customizing.


The concept of this add-on was inspired by the following add-on and designs:
