ShivamKr7250 / RF-Technologies

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Internship Management System

This project is an Internship Management System built using ASP.NET Core MVC and MSSQL Server. It provides a platform for managing internship programs, including student registration, internship offers from companies, and administration of internship placements.


Technologies Used


Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Set up the database:

    • Update the connection string in appsettings.json under InternshipManagementSystem project to match your MSSQL Server instance.
  3. Run the application:

    • Open the solution file (InternshipManagementSystem.sln) in Visual Studio.
    • Build the solution to restore NuGet packages.
    • Set InternshipManagementSystem.Web as the startup project.
    • Run the application using IIS Express or your preferred local server configuration.
  4. Initial setup:

    • Upon running the application for the first time, it will create necessary database tables and seed initial data (admin user, roles, etc.).
    • Login with the provided admin credentials to access the system.

Project Structure


Feel free to fork this repository, propose changes, and submit pull requests.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


This README file covers essential information about your Internship Management System project, including setup instructions, technologies used, project structure, and guidelines for contributing. Adjust the sections as needed to fit your specific project details and preferences.