Shock95 / AuctionHouse

Feature-packed auction house plugin for PocketMine-MP (pmmp)
GNU General Public License v3.0
43 stars 34 forks source link
auction-house auctionhouse minecraft pmmp pocketmine pocketmine-mp


Feature-packed AuctionHouse plugin for PocketMine-MP


AuctionHouse allows players to list their items for sale and purchase items that others have listed for sale



  • Chest GUI
  • Admin tools
  • Categories
  • Config (See below)
  • Multi-lang support
  • Cancel listings
  • Listing cooldown
  • Custom events
  • Economy plugin support
  • MySQL and SQLite database support
  • Custom listings limit per player (See permissions)
  • Customizable messages


Download the plugin from Poggit or GitHub releases


Click to open ```yaml --- # DO NOT EDIT THIS VALUE, INTERNAL USE ONLY. config-version: 5 # Sets the prefix for this plugin. prefix: "[&l&6Auction House&r]" # Minimum price required to create a listing min-price: 0 # Maximum price a listing can have (-1 = No limit) max-price: -1 # Sets the default language for the plugin, you can edit text and messages in this file. default-language: en_US # Sets the amount of hours a listing is active before being automatically cancelled and expired. expire-interval: 48 # Sets the price it costs to list an item on the auction house. listing-price: 0 # Sets a cooldown between listing items in seconds listing-cooldown: 0 # Allows or blocks players in creative mode from selling items. creative-sale: false # Maximum amount of listings a player can have by default max-listings: 45 # Shows item lore on the auction house show-lore: true # Days to automatically delete expired listings (0 to disable) expired-duration: 15 # Formats price with commas (ex. 1,000,000) price-formatted: true # Items that cannot be listed on the auction. Refer to or for a list of item ids. blacklist: - '1000' # Example items - '1234:5' - 'minecraft:air' # AH sign triggers sign-triggers: - "[AuctionHouse]" - "[AH]" # Menu button items buttons: stats: "minecraft:chest" back: "minecraft:paper" previous: "minecraft:paper" next: "minecraft:paper" info: "minecraft:book" howto: "minecraft:emerald" return_all: "minecraft:redstone_block" player_listings: "minecraft:diamond" expired_listings: "minecraft:poisonous_potato" admin_menu: "minecraft:redstone" confirm_purchase: "minecraft:stained_glass_pane:5" cancel_purchase: "minecraft:stained_glass_pane:14" ... ```


Command Description
/ah AuctionHouse main command, opens the shop menu if there are no specified parameters
/ah shop Opens the shop menu
/ah sell [price] Allows player to sell an item on the auction house
/ah listings Shows all active listings of the player
/ah listings [player] Allows player to see active listings of a specific player
/ah category Allows player to open the category menu
/ah admin Allows player to open the admin menu (OP Command)
/ah admin relistall Allows player to relist all items in the auction house (OP Command)
/ah admin returnall Allows player to return all items in the auction house back to players (OP Command)
/ah admin listings [player] Allows player to see all listings of a specific player (OP Command)
/ah reload Allows player to reload config files (OP command)
/ah about Shows plugin version



Event Description
shock95x\auctionhouse\event\AuctionStartEvent Called when an auction is started
shock95x\auctionhouse\event\AuctionEndEvent Called when an auction has ended
shock95x\auctionhouse\event\ItemListedEvent Called when an item is listed by player (cancellable)
shock95x\auctionhouse\event\ItemPurchasedEvent Called when an item is purchased by player (cancellable)
shock95x\auctionhouse\event\MenuCloseEvent Called when a menu is closed by player


You can contribute to this project by creating or modifying a language file and opening a PR!
