Shopify / pyoozie

Library for querying and scheduling with Apache Oozie
MIT License
11 stars 12 forks source link

Py Oozie

Build Status PyPI PyPI

This is a library for querying and scheduling with Apache Oozie.

Supported versions


Let's build a codebase that we can be proud of, that enables us to deliver better results, faster and more confidently.

We can start with the following guidelines:

This project follows the Google Python Style Guide with the following exceptions:


This project also targets both Python 2.7 and Python 3.3+; it's recommended to setup virtual environments for both Python 2 and 3 when developing, e.g.:

mkvirtualenv -a $(pwd) pyooziepy2 -p python2
mkvirtualenv -a $(pwd) pyooziepy3 -p python3


The documentation is hosted on ReadTheDocs:

The doc is automatically updated from the master branch. More info in ReadTheDocs settings.

Local build

Install the dependencies:

$ pip install -e ./[docs]

Generate the html files:

$ make -C docs html

The locally build doc is located at docs/build/html/index.html.


All committed code requires quality tests that provide ample code coverage. Functionality that is not covered by tests should be assumed to be broken (and probably will be).

Code Review

Committing to master requires a code review, submitted in the form of a GitHub Pull Request. To be merged, a PR must have an explicit approval from a core team member and no outstanding questions.