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Research papers can be hard to understand for anyone entering a field of research. It is useful to ask an expert in the field to summarize the intuition behind a paper to help you understand it but they can be hard to find. allows researchers to publish paper summaries that are voted on and ranked until the best and most accessible summary has been found. We feel that the site can speed up the literature review process and increase the number of active researchers by decreasing the barriers to understand and improve on concepts.

Everyone can write summaries for any paper that exists in our database (which includes anything with a DOI, on arXiv, or on Bibsonomy). These summaries are voted on by each user using a simple up or down metric. Each summary can be set as private which is useful for personal organization of papers.

"If I can't explain it simply, I don't understand it well enough." is inspired by this Einstein quote. Do you understand a paper well enough? Prove it to yourself by writing a summary for it! Also, write summaries of your own papers to help people to understand it and gain impact!