ShowMeTheGita / sre-demo

A demo environment that brings together easily customizable docker images and containers to start up a sample monitoring solution within minutes
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ansible blackbox-exporter grafana node-exporter nodejs prometheus

SRE Demo - Playground and Sandbox


Stress-test containers and start/stop a webapp while viewing monitoring dashboards in real time! I've decided to put up this project to showcase a generic SRE solution with some of my SRE-related software of choice which are heavily in-use at the time of writing this, while at the same time being as simple to get up and running and as customizable as possible for anyone that wants to try it out.
Four docker containers, one for each of the following:

From seeing how everything is configured and connected to playing around with stress tests and looking at the values spike in real time on pre-built dashboards, to orchastrating multiple containers with simple ansible playbooks, this was designed to be somewhat of a sandbox and playground for anyone interested to be able to easily and accessibly pick up and play around.


If you're new to docker or just want to be able to visualize the solution even better with a pretty UI, I highly recommend installing Docker Desktop

Quick Start

View metrics:

Access the grafana at http://localhost:3000/ with default credentials. Navigate to dashboards and choose either node_exporter or blackbox_exporter dashboard to view system or app related metrics respectively.

Stress containers and start/stop app:

Enter the ansible container as user ansible using docker exec -it -u ansible ansible /bin/bash. Navigate to the playbooks location and execute either stress_test.yml or start_stop_webapp.yml - all playbooks are documented and contain examples.

Project structure

At the root sre-demo of the project we find the docker-compose-sre-demo.yml and responsible for starting the whole operation.
At the second level, under the resources directory which is directly mapped to the directory inside the ansible container with the same name as seen in the docker-compose-sre-demo.yml file, are the Dockerfiles and container entrypoints used by them. Third levels and downwards the directories contain additional configuration files as seen by the directory name, as well as the ansible-playbooks and tasks that will be executed by ansible

├── docker-compose-sre-demo.yml
└── resources/
    ├── ansible-custom.Dockerfile
    ├── grafana-custom.Dockerfile
    ├── prometheus-custom.Dockerfile
    ├── webapp.Dockerfile
    ├── prometheus/
    │   └── prometheus.yml
    ├── webapp/
    │   ├── index.js
    │   └── package.json
    └── ansible/
        ├── config/
        │   ├── ansible.cfg
        │   └── hosts
        └── playbooks/
            └── (...)

Rundown of the startup process

The is responsible for most of the heavy work of building the docker images and starting up the containers. What's interesting is that after everything is up and running, it actually leverages the ansible container to run ansible-playbooks that come with the repository to perform all other actions on the containers, such as configuring and starting node_exporter and blackbox_exporter, creating datasources and importing custom grafana dashboards.

Here's a quick list, in order, of what's going on behind the scenes:

  1. Starts by running docker-compose using the docker-compose-sre-demon.yml file included in the repository to build the docker images and start the docker containers
  2. Generates the required ssh key-pair inside the ansible container and copies the public key to all other containers. This allows the ansible container to be able to connect to all other containers right out-of-the-box
  3. Begins executing ansible playbooks
    3.1 Downloads and starts node_exporter on all containers
    3.2 Creates a grafana datasource linked to the prometheus container
    3.3 Downloads and starts blackbox_exporter on the webapp container
    3.4 Imports custom grafana dashboards

Once completed, you'll be able to access the apps on the following ports:

Images Rundown

There are two things all containers have in common: user and group and ssh configuration. In order for ansible to be able to correctly ssh to all containers and be responsible for all administration-related tasks, all images were specifically designed to have the user and group ansible:orcha by default, as well as have the necessary ssh configurations required by the user and group to perform various tasks, such as passwordless ssh and passwordless elevation. This allows us to create consistency along all containers without having ansible resort to running playbooks as root.

> Ansible ansible_logo

The ansible image is built using the ansible-custom.Dockerfile which uses the python:latest image. Since ansible uses mostly python, this image choice seemed to make sense. The Dockerfile is responsible for downloading ansible and applying some good-to-have-out-of-the-box ansible and ssh configurations.

> Grafana grafana_logo

The grafana image uses the grafana-custom.Dockerfile which is a modified grafana/grafana:9.5.2 image. The modifications done to the image include adding the mentioned ansible:orcha user and group, as well as performing the necessary ssh configurations. The ENTRYPOINT was also overriden so that the image always restarts the sshd service whenever the container is started/stopped. This is done by including a shell script which performs the restart before running the regular grafana:9.5.2 entrypoint script

> Prometheus prometheus_logo

The prometheus image was the toughest to work with, since the default image that is available on the Dockerhub didn't even come with package managers or ways to easily configure services (sshd wink). For this reason the lightweight image alpine:latest is used instead, with all the overhead of the prometheus installation being done in the prometheus-custom.Dockerfile directly.
It downloads the prometheus-2.44.0 from Github and moves files around in order to have the image built as similarly as possible to an original prometheus image. It also configures user and group, ssh, and uses the custom made ENTRYPOINT shell script to restart the sshd service and start up prometheus everytime a container is started.

> Webapp nodejs_logo

A basic nodejs node:current-alpine modified with the same configurations as in the other images. It copies the package.json and index.js app files onto the container before running npm install to prepare the webapp for starting. It exposes port 4000 for access to the web page, and 9115 for blackbox_exporter.
One main difference between this image and the regular node images is that you can kill the node service and bring the app down without having the container stop. This allows it to keep running the blackbox_exporter and node_exporter service and sending app and container-related metrics to prometheus (ideally blackbox_exporter would be in on a container of its own though)

Building the solution manually

As mentioned the script will build the solution from top to bottom, however the script can also be ran with the --basic flag to only build the images, start the containers, and move ssh public keys around. This will start up the containers and provide ansible connectivity to others but not perform any additional action that requires ansible-playbooks execution. At an even lower level, you can manually perform the docker-compose and docker exec commands called by the functions.

Questions, Suggestions, Requests

Feel free to open labeled issues for any topic that comes to mind. Feedback is much appreciated!