Shuhua-Group / CPC-graph-based-NGS-pipeline

A graph-based pipeline used to call/genotype snvs/indels/SVs from NGS data
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Alpha test version


Referring to the paper [1][2] and existing protocol[3], we have built a pipeline based on snakemake to call/genotype snvs/indels/SVs from multi-sample NGS data in HPC.

Image text

In alpha test, we are now using methods below:

Please give credit to the relevant paper if the pipeline was applied to your work.


conda >= 22.9.0 is requeired

# clone the repo
git clone
# create the conda enviroment
cd CPC-graph-based-NGS-pipeline
conda env create -f environment.yaml

[!] There are many bugs while using conda version of DeepVariant, so that we need to get DeepVariant separately using Docker or Singularity.

Quick Start

We can run the pipeline on the toydata for bug test.

conda activate Pan_NGS

(1). Modify the configfiles

The current toydata were out of time, don't run it with the current pipeline, use the real fq and PanGenome reference instead

At the root directory of the pipeline, here is config.yaml and toydata/test.filelist
Replace {download_dir} to the absolute directory where the pipeline was downloaded:

## filelist
## Two columns for sample names and download_dir of fq files, if paired-end sequenced, the download_dir of two fq files are joint with ';' 
filelist: {download_dir}/toydata/test.filelist

## Working Dir
work_dir: {download_dir}/toydata/out
## Number of threads for every single step
threads: 4
## Absolute directories to graph reference files
gg_file: {download_dir}/toydata/graph/


HG00403 {download_dir}/toydata/fq/HG00403.R1.fastq.gz;{download_dir}/toydata/fq/HG00403.R2.fastq.gz
NA06984 {download_dir}/toydata/fq/NA06984.R1.fastq.gz;{download_dir}/toydata/fq/NA06984.R2.fastq.gz
NA18486 {download_dir}/toydata/fq/NA18486.R1.fastq.gz;{download_dir}/toydata/fq/NA18486.R2.fastq.gz
NA18525 {download_dir}/toydata/fq/NA18525.R1.fastq.gz;{download_dir}/toydata/fq/NA18525.R2.fastq.gz

Add the Absolute directory of executable run_deepvariant in DeepVariant to config.yaml:

## Absolute directory of executable `run_deepvariant` in DeepVariant
run_deepvariant: {dir_to_run_deepvariant}

(2). Run snakemake

Dry-run the pipline at first:

snakemake -n

Run the pipeline locally, at least 100 GB of memory is required:

snakemake -s ./Snakefile --configfile ./config.yaml -c 16

You can also run the pipeline in PBS or SLURM system. For example:

# Using 128 cores totally and retrying 3 time if failed
snakemake --cluster "sbatch -N 1 --ntasks=1 \
    --cpus-per-task={threads} --mem={resources.mem_mb} \
    --job-name={rule} --output={rule}.%j.out --error={rule}.%j.err" \
    --jobs 128 --retries 3 --latency-wait 30

See more details at snakemake doc.

(3). Results

If the pipeline runs correctly, the results file will be written to {download_dir}/toydata/out/result, including:

# merged snv vcf.gz from deepvariant for all samples

# merged indel vcf.gz from deepvariant for all samples

# merged pangenie vcf.gz for all samples

# merged vgcall vcf.gz for all samples

To interpret the results, please read documents of VG, DeepVariant and PanGenie.

Note: the reference in toydata is a partial graph at HLA loci, but the accuracy and presision of results from pipeline have not been assessed yet.

Run on real data

Pangenome graph:

The current CPC graph reference were out of time, don't run it with the current pipeline, use the new HPRC PanGenome reference instead

You can get the whole-genome minigraph-cactus graph from HPRC and CPC, and modify the config.yaml:

## Absolute directories to graph reference files
gg_file: {graph_dir}/
dist_file: {graph_dir}/CPC.Phase1.CHM13v2-minaf.0.1.dist
gbwt_file: {graph_dir}/CPC.Phase1.CHM13v2-minaf.0.1.gbwt
min_file: {graph_dir}/CPC.Phase1.CHM13v2-minaf.0.1.min
xg_file: {graph_dir}/CPC.Phase1.CHM13v2-minaf.0.1.xg

## PanGenie reference vcf
Graph_preprocessed_vcf: {graph_dir}/CPC.Phase1.CHM13v2-minaf.0.1.pangenie.vcf

NGS data:

You need to prepare your own filelist: two columns for sample names and absolute directories of fq files, if paired-end sequenced, the directories of two fq files are joint with ';'.

HG00403 {abs_dir}/HG00403.R1.fastq.gz;{abs_dir}/HG00403.R2.fastq.gz
NA06984 {abs_dir}/NA06984.R1.fastq.gz;{abs_dir}/NA06984.R2.fastq.gz
NA18486 {abs_dir}/NA18486.R1.fastq.gz;{abs_dir}/NA18486.R2.fastq.gz
NA18525 {abs_dir}/NA18525.R1.fastq.gz;{abs_dir}/NA18525.R2.fastq.gz

In real-data testing, we used a 128-cores server to analyse pair-ends ~50x NGS data from 10 samples, taking a total of ~50 hours and consuming a peak of ~330 GB of memory.