ShunOuchi / GreenHill

De novo chromosome-level scaffolding and phasing tool using Hi-C
GNU General Public License v3.0
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GreenHill is a de novo chromosome-level scaffolding and phasing tool using Hi-C. GreenHill generates chromosome-level haplotypes by scaffolding and phasing the input contigs using a combination of information from Hi-C and other reads (PE, MP, LongRead).

If you use GreenHill in your work, please cite:

Ouchi, S., Kajitani, R. & Itoh, T. GreenHill: a de novo chromosome-level scaffolding and phasing tool using Hi-C. Genome Biol 24, 162 (2023).


Shun Ouchi and Rei Kajitani at Tokyo Institute of Technology wrote key source codes. Address for this tool:



Install from source

Install the dependencies above.

Compile (make), and copy greenhill to a directory listed in PATH.

git clone
cd src
cp greenhill <installation_path>

Install through conda

On a new conda environment, run:

conda install -c bioconda greenhill

Or, if you want to have a separate conda environment for GreenHill

conda create -n greenhill -c bioconda greenhill

You will then need to activate the greenhill envirionment before using it with:

conda activate greenhill




Final output

out_afterPhase.fa (phased diploid scaffolds)


Below is showing examples how to run GreenHill using test dataset. The test dataset is the simulated diploid dataset of Caenorhabditis elegans chr1.

Example 1. I have Platanus-allee assembly (Haplotype-aware style input)

greenhill \
-c Platanus-allee_result/out_nonBubbleOther.fa \
-b Platanus-allee_result/out_primaryBubble.fa Platanus-allee_result/out_secondaryBubble.fa \
-IP1 reads/PE_*.fq.gz \
-OP2 reads/MP5k_*.fq.gz \
-OP3 reads/MP9k_*.fq.gz \
-p reads/longread.fq.gz \
-HIC reads/HIC_1.fq.gz reads/HIC_2.fq.gz

Example 2. I have FALCON-Unzip assembly (Psuedo-haplotype style input)

greenhill \
-cph FALCON-Unzip_result/cns_p_ctg.fa FALCON-Unzip_result/cns_h_ctg.fa \
-p reads/longread.fq.gz \
-HIC reads/HIC_1.fq.gz reads/HIC_2.fq.gz

Example 3. I have Canu assembly (Mixed-haplotype style input)

greenhill \
-cph Canu_result/asm.contigs.fa \
-p reads/longread.fq.gz \
-HIC reads/HIC_1.fq.gz reads/HIC_2.fq.gz



greenhill [OPTIONS] 2>log


-o STR                             : prefix of output file and directory (do not use "/", default out, length <= 200)
-c FILE1 [FILE2 ...]               : contig (or scaffold) file (fasta format; for Haplotype-aware style input)
-b FILE1 [FILE2 ...]               : bubble seq file (fasta format; for Haplotype-aware style input)
-cph FILE1 [FILE2 ...]             : contig (or scaffold) file (fasta format; for Pseudo-haplotype or Mixed-haplotype style input; only effective without -c, -b option)
-ip{INT} PAIR1 [PAIR2 ...]         : lib_id inward_pair_file (interleaved file, fasta or fastq)
-IP{INT} FWD1 REV1 [FWD2 REV2 ...] : lib_id inward_pair_files (separate forward and reverse files, fasta or fastq)
-op{INT} PAIR1 [PAIR2 ...]         : lib_id outward_pair_file (interleaved, fasta or fastq)
-OP{INT} FWD1 REV1 [FWD2 REV2 ...] : lib_id outward_pair_files (separate forward and reverse files, fasta or fastq)
-p PAIR1 [PAIR2 ...]               : long-read file (PacBio, Nanopore) (fasta or fastq)
-hic PAIR1 [PAIR2 ...]             : HiC_pair_files (reads in 1 file, fasta or fastq)
-HIC FWD1 REV1 [FWD2 REV2 ...]     : HiC_pair_files (reads in 2 files, fasta or fastq)
-t INT                             : number of threads (default 1)
-tmp DIR                           : directory for temporary files (default .)
-l INT                             : minimum number of links to scaffold (default 3)
-k INT                             : minimum number of links to phase variants (default 1)
-s INT1 [INT2 ...]                 : mapping seed length for short reads (default 32 64 96)
-mapper FILE                       : path of mapper executable file (default minimap2, only effective with -p option)
-minimap2_sensitive                : sensitive mode for minimap2 (default, off; only effective with -p option)

Input format:

Uncompressed and compressed (gzip or bzip2) files are accepted for -c, -ip, -IP, -op, -OP, -p, -hic and -HIC option.

Final output:


Other misc outputs:


PREFIX is specified by -o

Manual review with Juicebox

Resulting scaffolds can be reviewed and curated with Juicebox Assembly Tool (JBAT). This can be accomplished using the programs below:

seqkit sort -lr out_afterPhase.fa >base.fa bwa index base.fa >bwa_index.log 2>&1 seqkit fx2tab -nl base.fa >base.sizes -D $path_juicer -d $PWD -g base -s none -z base.fa -p base.sizes >juicer.log.o 2>juicer.log.e awk -f $path_3d/utils/generate-assembly-file-from-fasta.awk base.fa >base.assembly 2>generate.log.e $path_3d/visualize/ base.assembly aligned/merged_nodups.txt >visualizer.log.o 2>visualizer.log.e python $path_greenhill/utils/ base.fa >base.ctg_info.assembly

Then, you can input `base.hic` and `base.ctg_info.assembly` into [Juicebox]( See the [cookbook]( for the details of the review process.
![JBAT screenshot](images/JBAT_screenshot.png)

Finally, the reviwed assembly file, `` (output of "Export Assembly" in Juicebox), is converted into the final FASTA file. 
$path_3d/ -r base.fa aligned/merged_nodups.txt >post_review.log.o 2>post_review.log.e


The following table shows the statics of several results assembled with GreenHill v1.1.0. Species Input Reads Input assembly Total(Mb) N50(Mb) Peak Memory(GB) Runtime(h)
C.elegans PE + CLR + Hi-C Platanus-allee 208.8 17.0 23.54 0.53
Zebra finch CLR + Hi-C FALCON-Unzip 2025.9 70.6 92.06 19.41
Black rhinoceros HiFi + Hi-C Hifiasm 5325.7 52.3 26.80 206.37

Runtime were measured on a computer with an Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6342 CPU (2.80 GHz clocks, dual 24 cores).

For more information, please see the paper.


Both uncompressed and compressed (gzip or bzip2) FASTA/FASTQ files are accepted. Formats are auto-detected. Internally, "file -bL", "gzip -cd" and "bzip2 -cd" commands, which can be used in most of the UNIX OSs, are utilized.

This tool is used to align PacBio/Oxford-Nanopore long reads and to do self align. When long reads are input through the -p option, please check Minimap2 is installed as "minimap2" command or specify the path of Minimap2 using the -mapper option.

Paired libraries are classified into "inward-pair" and "outward-pair" according to the sequence direction. For file formats, separate and interleaved files can be input through -IP (-OP) and -ip (-op) options, respectively.

Inward-pair (usually called "paired-end", accepted in options "-IP" or "-ip"):

FWD --->
    5' -------------------- 3'
    3' -------------------- 5'
                    <--- REV

Outward-pair (usually called "mate-pair", accepted in options "-OP" or "-op"):

                    ---> REV
    5' -------------------- 3'
    3' -------------------- 5'
FWD <---

Example inputs:

Inward-pair (separate, insert=300)   : PE300_1.fq PE300_2.fq
Inward-pair (interleaved, insert=500): PE500_pair.fq
Outward-pair (separate, insert=2k)   : MP2k_1.fa MP2k_2.fq

Corresponding options:

-IP1 PE300_1_pair.fq PE300_2.fq \
-ip2 PE500_pair.fq \
-OP3 MP2k_1.fq MP2k_2.fq