Shunsuke-1994 / rfamgen

Code repository of "Deep generative design of RNA family sequences"
27 stars 7 forks source link


We tested all the following commands in macOS(v12.1) and Linux(v3.10) environment.

install with conda

conda env create -f requirements_rfamgen.yaml
conda activate rfamgen

RfamGen works with python3.7 and pytorch 1.8, but probaboly works with newer versions. Most processes are using the following packages. Please download one-by-one if necessary.


All the following commands are examples using RF00234. Computationa times by Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7360U CPU @ 2.30GHz are commented.

prep data

Data prep is perfomed based on a cmfile. A cmfile is a file format used in infernal software. Here, we used a cmfile downloaded from Rfam DB. If you want to build, you can generated with cmbuild command of infernal. cmbuild requires SS_cons(consensus secondary structure) in an alignment file of stockholm format. SS_cons can be added by manually or consensus structure estimation such as R-scape.

# Optional. For cleaning sequences in Rfam DB.

python scripts/ \
--seed_file ./datasets/Rfam.seed \
--rfam RF00234 \
--output_dir datasets/RF00234 \
--cpu 1 
help of `scripts/`
``` usage: [-h] [--fasta FASTA] [--traceback TRACEBACK] --cmfile CMFILE [--cpu CPU] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --fasta FASTA path to fasta file. Fasta file is automatically aligned to cmfile and its traceback will be converted to onehot. --traceback TRACEBACK path to gzipped tracebackfile --cmfile CMFILE path to cm file --cpu CPU CPU cores for cmalign program. (default: 4) ```
python scripts/ \
--fasta datasets/RF00234/RF00234_unique_seed_removed.fa \
--cmfile ./datasets/RF00234/ \
--cpu 1
# real  3m24.649s
# user  3m0.349s
# sys   0m3.531s

After conversion to onehot expressions, split to train/valid/test.

python scripts/ \
-i datasets/RF00234/RF00234_unique_seed_removed_notrunc_traceback_onehot_cm.h5 \
--train_ratio 0.7 --random_state 42

generate weight

You can generate a weight file from the training data prepared above [Marks, 2011; Morcos, 2011]. Typically, threshold is 0.01~0.2.
The computation time highly depends on the data size.

python scripts/ \
--mode cm \
-i datasets/RF00234/RF00234_unique_seed_removed_notrunc_traceback_onehot_cm_train.h5 \
--threshold 0.1
# real    1m57.974s
# user    1m7.283s
# sys     1m15.031s

train trains a VAE model, generates config file of training, and optionally generates log/checkpoint files.

help of `scripts/`
``` usage: [-h] --data_dir DATA_DIR --X_train X_TRAIN --w_train W_TRAIN --X_valid X_VALID --w_valid W_VALID [--suffix SUFFIX] [--hidden HIDDEN] [--z_dim Z_DIM] [--stride STRIDE] [--ker1 KER1] [--ch1 CH1] [--ker2 KER2] [--ch2 CH2] [--ker3 KER3] [--ch3 CH3] [--beta BETA] [--use_anneal] [--anneal_saturate_rate ANNEAL_SATURATE_RATE] [--anneal_rate ANNEAL_RATE] [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [--epoch EPOCH] [-lr LEARNING_RATE] [--clip CLIP] [--only_training] [--use_early_stopping] [--tolerance TOLERANCE] [--save_ckpt] [--ckpt_iter CKPT_ITER] [--random_seed RANDOM_SEED] [--log] [--log_dir LOG_DIR] [--print_every PRINT_EVERY] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --data_dir DATA_DIR directory containing X_train etc. --X_train X_TRAIN file name of training data --w_train W_TRAIN file name of weight for training data --X_valid X_VALID file name of validation data --w_valid W_VALID file name of weight for validation data --suffix SUFFIX suffix of output file name --hidden HIDDEN dimension of hidden space flanking latent space (default: 128) --z_dim Z_DIM dimension of latent space (default: 16) --stride STRIDE stride parameter of all convs (default: 1) --ker1 KER1 kernel size parameter of 1st conv (default: 5) --ch1 CH1 channel num parameter of 1st conv (default: 5) --ker2 KER2 kernel parameter of 2nd conv (default: 5) --ch2 CH2 channel num parameter of 2nd conv (default: 5) --ker3 KER3 kernel parameter of 3rd conv (default: 7) --ch3 CH3 channel num parameter of 3rd conv (default: 8) --beta BETA maximum weight of KL divergence --use_anneal flag for cyclic annealing for KL divergence --anneal_saturate_rate ANNEAL_SATURATE_RATE maximum rate for cyclic annealing (default: 0.4) --anneal_rate ANNEAL_RATE number of iteration for one increment of annealing (default: 1) --batch_size BATCH_SIZE batch size (defailt: 8) --epoch EPOCH maximum epochs (default: 200) -lr LEARNING_RATE, --learning_rate LEARNING_RATE learning rate (default: 1e-3) --clip CLIP clipping value (default: 20) --only_training only training --use_early_stopping flag for early stopping --tolerance TOLERANCE tolerance for early stopping (default: 3) --save_ckpt flag for checkpoint saving --ckpt_iter CKPT_ITER save checkpoint every this iteration (default: 3) --random_seed RANDOM_SEED --log flag for log --log_dir LOG_DIR directory for log output --print_every PRINT_EVERY iteration num to print log of learning (default: 20) ```


python scripts/ \
--data_dir datasets/RF00234 \
--X_train RF00234_unique_seed_removed_notrunc_traceback_onehot_cm_train.h5 \
--w_train RF00234_unique_seed_removed_notrunc_traceback_onehot_cm_train_weight_threshold0p1.h5 \
--X_valid RF00234_unique_seed_removed_notrunc_traceback_onehot_cm_valid.h5 \
--w_valid RF00234_unique_seed_removed_notrunc_traceback_onehot_cm_valid_weight_threshold0p1.h5 \
--epoch 3 \
--beta 1e-3 --use_anneal --use_early_stopping \
--log --log_dir ./outputs/RF00234

# real    0m16.900s
# user    0m12.500s
# sys     0m3.155s

generation by sampling in the latent space.

scripts/ generates sequences from normal distribution in latent space. You need to input model params, config, and cmfile.
Generation runs very fast unless the cmfile is very long.

python scripts/ \
--config ./outputs/RF00234/config.yaml \
--ckpt ./outputs/RF00234/ \
--cmfile ./datasets/RF00234/ \
--outfasta ./outputs/RF00234/sampled_5seq.fa \
--n_samples 5

# real    0m7.447s
# user    0m6.201s
# sys     0m0.635s

Bayesian estimation of cleavage kinetics

install with conda

conda env create -f requirements_bayesiankin.yaml

see more details in /notebooks/bayesiankinetics/kinetics_analysis_bypyro.ipynb
It takes less than 1 day to estimate the kinetics of 2000 sequences x2 replicates with SVI. The NGS data are available on PRJNA1044007 of SRA.