Siddhant8 / p1-coconuts1

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README for p1-coconuts

Project Plan General Summary and Description of Parts

Summary: Our project involves creating the GUI of a tea shop, and interacting with the tea shop in various ways. These “various ways” would be a jukebox, or ordering a beverage, or a coronavirus case tracker in the area (just to name a few). Some of these would be independent due to simplicity, but could also involve collaboration to blow them up in proportion. For example, the coronavirus tracker may start out as just a text box but then be blown up into an animation.

Scrum Board + Short Summary of Completed Goals

Scrum Board Link
Issues Link Showing Each Person's Code NOTE: our github links are located within this issue page. There is also a brief explanation for each link of code.

Note 2: Each ticket is described in the Big Ticket Items Section. Andrew did the shopping component with his REACT tea shop simulation, Siddhant did the Coronavirus Tracker Component(The Coronavirus Tracker is the same thing as the Coronavirus Calculator), and Aidan did the Music/Radio component(the same thing as the JukeBox).

Andrew Hale Completed Items: Make React based UI and program for Tea Shop Menu. Create game for TeaShop. Host program using Netlify.

Siddhant Ranka Completed Items: Created a coronavirus case calculator that calculates the number of coronavirus cases based on inputs of population, mask-wearers, initial case numbers, and the day number into a textfield specific for each number. There is a button to the left of each text field to click on. When each of those buttons is clicked the number in the textfield will be entered into the system. A fifth button called Calculate Cases is clicked on to calculate the total number of cases. Each case calculated is written to a file called covidCases.txt. This tracker utilized MVC. As shown in the Big Ticket Items section this tracker is event-based.

Aidan Rosen Completed Items: finalized JukeBox to include multiple "Cassettes", clickable buttons built from txt-file stored URLs. Built with an ArrayList that uses data across the MVC (txt file in model, pass strings within txt file to control, iterate through strings in UI).

How to Run Our Code

First click on the MainMenu configuration and run MainMenu. This is a picture of what the MainMenu will look like:

Screen Shot 2021-01-14 at 8 03 36 PM

How to Run the Coronavirus Calculator

Video link explaining the MVC code behind the coronavirus calculator:

Note: The files for the model and control are PracticeModel and PracticeControl, respectively.

Key AP Unit Correlations: The getters and setters discussed in the video in the Model code are talked about in AP Unit 5, the initial instance variables in the Model code for the number of people, people wearing masks, initial cases, and days passed are discussed in AP Unit 2. The setters and getters in the Model are specifically used for those instance variables. The use of constructors in the UI and Control code are discussed in AP Unit 2.

Video link showing how to run the coronavirus calculator:

Screen Shot 2021-01-14 at 8 05 03 PM

How to Run The Juke Box

Google Drive Video Link

Please click the link above to watch a short video on how to run the jukebox. jukeboxArea

How to Run Tea Shop

Click the link above to access the website.

Click either menu to access either the ordering or the games.

Click products to see products, cart to see your cart. Click add to cart to add an item to your cart, click remove to remove it from your cart.

Click "Start" to start the game and click the arrows to move around.


This site is only built for ONE viewport. It might look weird on your computer. In the future I would like to style the site better but right now I am not focused on making the site look pretty. I am more focused on making it usable.

Link to GitHub

The GitHub is seperate because Netlify hosts based on a GitHub Repository. This means I must have a React App on its own Git so it must be seperate.
src Folder | js for Order | Main js for Snake | js for Home Page | js for App

Delivery Plans and Content:

Fridays - Update Scrum Board with what has been completed and what is in progress. README will include links of code that each person wrote with a brief description of each person’s work for the week. Self-evaluations and scrum evaluations will be included if assigned. We will decide our plans each week based on how the work is going.

Midterm - The midterm deliverable will consist of a GUI that has a button leading to a tea shop. The tea shop will then have a button pointing to a coronavirus map and a button pointing to a shopping area. The shopping area will serve a selection of teas and flavors.

The Night at the Museum - A full tea shop will be in place. A UI will simulate moving through a cafe/store.

Delivery Table

Members' Github Links

Name ID Link
Siddhant Ranka Siddhant8
Aidan Rosen AidanRosen
Andrew Hale Andrew H06

Big Ticket Items

Screen Shot 2021-01-12 at 6 58 12 PM Screen Shot 2021-01-12 at 7 02 40 PM Screen Shot 2020-12-11 at 8 25 52 AM Screen Shot 2020-12-11 at 8 26 02 AM

Storyboard: Storyboard


Title Content
Night at The Museum Coronavirus tracker can inform the public about the current state of a modern issue

Games, music, and shopping will make the project more exciting and bring more light to the coronavirus tracker implemented.

Some kids/people will have fun using our project and may be inspired to learn programming theirselves
Unique Things and Building a Portfolio Music Database

Usage of large databases is an important skill
Makes the project versatile

Making a fun simulation for entertainment of the users

Coronavirus tracker
Implementing a live data program that uses internet based tracking

Link to Storyboard of Visuals:

Markdown guide for future reference:

Link to where we brainstormed our project and where we got all of our screenshots except for the storyboard: