SiddhantJ19 / MERN_basic_login-signup

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Install Dependencies with:
npm install

Production mode: npm start

Completed Till now:

Backend is completed and ready to be deployed. Implemented a User Register and Login form considering various validations like emptyfield, right format and Email Verification.

To setup email verification, change <email> and <password> in routes/api/users.js file, line number #71 to email and password of an original gmail account.

Every user can login through a common field of Username or Email, which is taken care at backend since both username and email are unique for all users.

The DB schema is present in models folder.

To learn more about the project, feel free to open an issue and ping me @SiddhantJ19.

To be implemented: React-Redux client. Automated testing.

To see the implementation: Download Postman Linux: snap install postman

Go ahead install postman and try out various test cases.

and go to following endpoints

http://localhost:8000/api/users/register here is a screenshot of what fields are required registerAPI

http://localhost:8000/api/users/login loginAPI

