Sigma88 / Sigma-Dimensions

The Universal Rescale Mod for KSP
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Separating a static from a group for KK #57

Closed eberkain closed 6 years ago

eberkain commented 6 years ago


KK now handles the altitude by itself

This means that now SD will not move those statics as long as you install KKtoSD alongisde KK and SD

Original Issue

I'm testing with 1.3.1 and the base mods for KK, SD, SVT and your KKtoSD mod. Looking to make KerbinSide work with RESCALE! 3.2x. I'm hoping to get all the bases working in the rescale and fix any floating buildings problems. I've made alot of progress to getting it done, but am having an issue as described below.

This code was posted in the forum thread as a fix for the floating radar tower near KSC.

        name = KSCUpgrades2
        body = Kerbin

        PQSCity = KSCUpgrades_ksideradar3_0

It works perfect and from my understanding this is creating a new group called KSCUpgrades2 and giving it one static. Since no center is defined then the first static in the group is used as the center. This has the effect of moving the tower back to the hilltop because the lon/lat of the terrain feature is the same.

This code does not work however.

        name = DeadkerbalPit2
        body = Kerbin

            PQSCity = DeadkerbalPit_ksidecontroltower4_0


Looking at the static definition for both the floating radar towers I can not figure out why one works and the other does not. Literally the only difference I see is how the parent group is defined. KSCUpgrades uses CentralPQSCity = KSC and DeadkerbalPit is using CentralLAT and CentralLON

Sigma88 commented 6 years ago

hi, first of all you need to make sure that the name DeadkerbalPit_ksidecontroltower4_0 is the correct name for the specific static you want to edit.

you need to install kittopia and run the game as usual

once in game, hit [CTRL] + [P] , select the correct planet, go to the PQS tab and look for the static you want to exclude from the group

between the informations on that static you should find a name, this is what you want to use in your cfg.

make sure it's called DeadkerbalPit_ksidecontroltower4_0 otherwise take note of the correct name and change your cfg accordingly

if this still doesn't work, I will need you to upload some files.

here you can find the list of all informations I might need to debug this issue

I will also need a link to the mod that adds that particular static you are trying to affect

eberkain commented 6 years ago

You got it, I had the wrong name. Thank you for pointing me to kittopia, I had not seen it before.

The other thing I need to figure out how to get to work is moving just a single static in a group up or down without changing its lon/lat position relative to the other nearby statics.

I feel like this should work...

        name = DeadkerbalPit3
        body = Kerbin

            CentralPQSCity = DeadkerbalPit
            PQSCity = DeadkerbalPit_ksidemountaindoors2_0
            PQSCity = DeadkerbalPit_ksidecawler1_0
            fixAltitude = -30

But that does not seem to do anything. So I tried it without specifying the center. That moved those two buildings off a ways, back to the first ones original lon/lat im assuming. So them I tried this...

        name = DeadkerbalPit
        body = Kerbin
            CentralLON = -127.7
            CentralLAT = 14.68
        //looks good
    //lower the mountian door and crawler because its clipping with the launch spawn
        name = DeadkerbalPit3
        body = Kerbin

            CentralLON = -127.7
            CentralLAT = 14.68
            PQSCity = DeadkerbalPit_ksidemountaindoors2_0
            PQSCity = DeadkerbalPit_ksidecawler1_0
            fixAltitude = -30

But that somehow makes everything in the DeadkerbalPit group lower, not just those two buildings.

Sigma88 commented 6 years ago

You got it, I had the wrong name. Thank you for pointing me to kittopia, I had not seen it before.

glad you solved your problem!

The other thing I need to figure out how to get to work is moving just a single static in a group up or down without changing its lon/lat position relative to the other nearby statics.

it is not possible to change the position of just one single building, you will need to create a new group with a different name, with the same center as the original group, but with a different "MOVE" node

like you do in your second example. you say that everything is moved which is weird. I will take a look to see what's going on.

btw, in your first example CentralPQSCity = DeadkerbalPit still needs to use the proper name of one of the PQSCity.

eberkain commented 6 years ago

Ok, so I checked kittopia looking for just a DeadkerbalPit PQSCity, and there is one called "Deadkerbal Pit". So I tried using that to set the center as the CentralPQSCity = . Its underground, but It no longer has the issue where the buildings were clipping together oddly, which is why I was trying to move individual buildings in the first place.

using LON/LAT settings i get this using the CentralPQSCity i get this

Ignore that one is underground and look at the building arrangement, its just a little different.

Unless I come across another weird one, I think I will be able to finish the configs, just will have to set the fixAltitude for all of them. Is it safe to move an object with kittopia to figure out what that offset needs to be? are the changes saved in the save file so starting a new game will revert it, or is it changing the source files?

Sigma88 commented 6 years ago

what version of SD are you running on? the antenna in the background should not be floating if you are using the latest SD

eberkain commented 6 years ago

This is what my log shows for all the loaded DLLs ModuleManager v3.0.1.0 CustomAsteroids v1.5.0.0 Atmosphere v1.2.2.1 CelestialShadows v1.2.2.1 CityLights v1.2.2.1 EVEManager v1.2.2.1 PartFX v1.2.2.1 PQSManager v1.2.2.1 ShaderLoader v1.2.2.1 Terrain v1.2.2.1 TextureConfig v1.2.2.1 Utils v1.2.2.1 _BuildManager v1.2.2.1 KerbalKonstructs v2.0.0.0 / v1.2.0.1 Kopernicus.OnDemand v1.0.0.0 ModularFlightIntegrator v1.0.0.0 / v1.2.4.0 Kopernicus.Components v1.0.0.0 Kopernicus.Parser v1.0.0.0 Kopernicus v1.0.0.0 KittopiaTech v1.0.6479.31186 SigmaDimensions v1.0.0.0 KKtoSD v1.0.0.0 Kopernicus.Parser v1.0.0.0 Kronometer v1.0.0.0 Sigma88LoadingScreens v0.3.1.0 SigmaBinary v1.0.0.0 Sigma88LoadingScreens v0.3.1.0

Sigma88 commented 6 years ago

I can't really see the version from that.

I would need the files listed here

eberkain commented 6 years ago

Sorry for being such a pain and not following instructions for the first time. Thank you for taking a look at whats going on and helping me figure this out. My goal is to play a 3.2 rescale with the stock system + OPM and use KK + KerbinSide to have all those launch points.

I have collected everything you asked for and its here.

Sigma88 commented 6 years ago

don't worry, I'll take a look at your files when I have some spare time 👍

could you also link me to the dewnload page of the version of kerbinside you are using? so that I can test it on my pc

eberkain commented 6 years ago

version 1.4 from here

Sigma88 commented 6 years ago

the main problem with DeadKerbalPit seems to be that the antenna (circled in red in the pic) is included in the group. since it's the first static of the group uses that antenna as the "center" of the group, which means the rest of the buildings are moved inside the ground.

the majority of the issues can be solved by removing that antenna from the group.

this is what it looks like on 3.2x with the antenna group changed:


as you can see, the buildings are still floating a bit (green circle), so you might want to correct the altitude using a cfg, you might also want to remove the building in the yellow circle from the group, otherwise it will be moved down with the other buildings and disappear inside the ground

Sigma88 commented 6 years ago

actually, this cfg will fix the altitude issue and also put the buildings in a better position

keep in mind that you will still need to change the group of the tower and the antenna (yellow and red circles from the prev image)

        name = DeadkerbalPit
        body = Kerbin
            CentralPQSCity = DeadkerbalPit_ksidemountaindoors2_0

pic: image

Sigma88 commented 6 years ago

for the tower I suggest something like this:

        name = DeadkerbalPit_Tower
        body = Kerbin
            CentralPQSCity = DeadkerbalPit_ksidemountaindoors2_0
            PQSCity = ################ (name of the tower)
            fixAltitude = ######### (desired offset)

for the antenna you just need this instead:

        name = DeadkerbalPit_Antenna
        body = Kerbin
            PQSCity = ############## (name of the antenna, it might be a PQCity2 I am not sure)
eberkain commented 6 years ago

The issue im having is that the mountian door model is clipping through the launchpad and alot of times when you try to use it, the craft just explodes.

With this config

        name = DeadkerbalPit
        body = Kerbin
            CentralPQSCity = DeadkerbalPit_ksidemountaindoors2_0
    //fix the floating radar tower
        name = DeadkerbalPit2
        body = Kerbin

            PQSCity = DeadkerbalPit_ksidetrackingdish11_0
    //fix the control tower  
        name = DeadkerbalPit3
        body = Kerbin

            PQSCity = DeadkerbalPit_ksidecontroltower4_0

I get this result...

which is bad because it has the ramp for the mountian door model more than half covering the launch pad. So I either need a way to raise the launch pad, lower the mountian door, or move them farther apart, while also retaining their adjusted relative starting positions.

Sigma88 commented 6 years ago

yes I see what you mean now, I need to check a couple of things in the code to understand what is going wrong. the position of each piece relative to each other should not change if the code works correctly, but this is definitely not the case here it would seem

in the meantime you can use something like this:

    // Move the buildings near the mountain side
        name = DeadkerbalPit
        body = Kerbin
            CentralPQSCity = DeadkerbalPit_ksidemountaindoors2_0
    // Fix the LaunchPad
        name = DeadkerbalPit_LaunchPad
        body = Kerbin
            CentralPQSCity = DeadkerbalPit_ksidemountaindoors2_0
            PQSCity = ######## (name of the launchpad)
            fixAltitude = ######### (desired offset)
    // Fix the Tower
        name = DeadkerbalPit_Tower
        body = Kerbin
            CentralPQSCity = DeadkerbalPit_ksidemountaindoors2_0
            PQSCity = DeadkerbalPit_ksidecontroltower4_0
            fixAltitude = ######### (desired offset)
    // Fix the Antenna
        name = DeadkerbalPit_Antenna
        body = Kerbin
            PQSCity = DeadkerbalPit_ksidetrackingdish11_0
Sigma88 commented 6 years ago

the antenna and the tower will always need to be fixed separately, but the launchpad should not have a different position compared to the doors, so that's something I will try to fix in SD code

eberkain commented 6 years ago

this seems to be ok, the launch pad is clear if you use "Deadkerbal Pit" as the central point.

        name = DeadkerbalPit
        body = Kerbin
            CentralPQSCity = Deadkerbal Pit
            fixAltitude = -60

I've nearly gotten them all done now. The biggest problem is Ben Bay. There are 17 different statics spread around this coastal area in a few little clusters, I've got a list of all the names but no idea which goes with which. I wish I could mouse over or click on a static to see its PQSCity name.

Sigma88 commented 6 years ago

I wish I could mouse over or click on a static to see its PQSCity name.

I think you can do that with DebugStuff

eberkain commented 6 years ago

I think BenBay may just be on the chopping block. :)

eberkain commented 6 years ago

whoops, that was the wrong button. :)

eberkain commented 6 years ago

I'm down to just a couple left to finish. I did get Ben Bay sorted. However I cannot get LodnieIsles to do anything. I've quadruple checked and the KK group name is LodnieIsles and I've tried to assign a center every way I can think of and it never does anything, (acting like I have the wrong group name). I even tried making a new group that included every static in that KK group individually, and that even does nothing. Could these statics be flagged in some way that prevents them from being moved? If so is that something that can be MM patched?

You can see the current state of the config here.

I feel like I have a good handle on how it works now, but this one group just does nothing for me nad is really working my nerves tonight.

Sigma88 commented 6 years ago

There shouldn't be any unmovable statics, I'll take a look

Sigma88 commented 6 years ago

to get the LodnieIsles group to reposition correctly you need to exclude the ground control antenna

the one defined in the cfg at GameData\KerbinSide\GroundControl\LodnieIsles\ksidetrackingdish11.cfg

if you do that the rest of the buildings are repositioned correctly, you might still need to fix the altiude

eberkain commented 6 years ago

I tried a number of different things this morning.

        name = LodnieIsles
        body = Kerbin

            CentralPQSCity = Lodnie Isles

    //fix the radar   
        name = LodnieIsles2
        body = Kerbin

            PQSCity = LodnieIsles_ksidetrackingdish11_0

result ->

        name = LodnieIsles
        body = Kerbin

            CentralLON = 14.200
            CentralLAT = 29.740
    //fix the radar   
        name = LodnieIsles2
        body = Kerbin

            PQSCity = LodnieIsles_ksidetrackingdish11_0

result ->

        name = MyLodnieIsles
        body = Kerbin

            PQSCity = Lodnie Isles
            PQSCity = LodnieIsles_ksideapproachlights_0
            PQSCity = LodnieIsles_ksidebarracks3_0
            PQSCity = LodnieIsles_ksidecontroltower4_0
            PQSCity = LodnieIsles_ksidedetached1_0
            PQSCity = LodnieIsles_ksidedetached1_1
            PQSCity = LodnieIsles_ksidefueltanks3_0
            PQSCity = LodnieIsles_ksidefueltanks3_1
            PQSCity = LodnieIsles_ksidefueltanks3_2
            PQSCity = LodnieIsles_ksidehangar2_0
            PQSCity = LodnieIsles_ksidehangar2_1
            PQSCity = LodnieIsles_ksidehangar2_2
            PQSCity = LodnieIsles_ksidehangars1_0
            PQSCity = LodnieIsles_kshelipadbasic_0
            PQSCity = LodnieIsles_ksideofficeestate1_0
            PQSCity = LodnieIsles_ksideofficeestate3_0
            PQSCity = LodnieIsles_ksideradardish_0
            PQSCity = LodnieIsles_ksidetaxiway2_0
            PQSCity = LodnieIsles_ksidewatertower_0
    //fix the radar   
        name = MyLodnieIsles2
        body = Kerbin

            PQSCity = LodnieIsles_ksidetrackingdish11_0

result ->

Based on my experience doing all the other bases, any of these methods should do something, but the buildings just sit there doing nothing, taunting me. I have a feeling that these last few bases are going to be problem children.

eberkain commented 6 years ago

I'm down to 4 bases left and they are all acting this same way. KrakensBelly LodnieIsles KSC2 RoundRange

Which really is confusing, because I know KSC2 was working at some point, and i skipped over it cause it seemed to have so many issues.

I'm creating a new save every time i check in game, and even tried clearing out the MM cache, but nothing seems to make a difference.

I think I'm going to setup a clean install with only the couple mods needed for this and see if somehow something is interfering.

Sigma88 commented 6 years ago

this cfg did the trick for me

        name = LodnieIsles2
        body = Kerbin

            PQSCity = LodnieIsles_ksidetrackingdish11_0
        name = LodnieIsles
        body = Kerbin

            CentralPQSCity = LodnieIsles_ksidetaxiway2_0
eberkain commented 6 years ago

I put that into my config and it didn't do anything. So I tried it in a seperate file and removed my config, it worked. So I split all my groups off into their own files. Tried it and it didn't work.... So I've got something in one my my configs that is jacking things up for other configs. The only thing I can think is to start from scratch, adding them in one at a time and checking until I find one that breaks the LodnieIsles group. //comments are safe anywhere in a config right?

Sigma88 commented 6 years ago

//comments are safe anywhere in a config right?

not everywhere-everywhere, but mostly yes

just don't put them between a node and its brackets

    // you can put comments here
        // or here

    // don't put comments here
eberkain commented 6 years ago

So, I binary searched down and found the problem config, if I load everything but the config for KKVLA then the LondieIsles config works. KKVLA (below) is long, but nothing looks wrong to me. I wasn't really happy with it anyhow so I'll try a different approach. Its a tough once because they have train tracks and getting those to look any kind of way decent is next to impossible.


    //      KKVLA  &  AREA 110011 - READY!
        name = KKVLA
        body = Kerbin
            CentralPQSCity = KKVLA_ksiderailbridge_0
            fixAltitude = -10
        name = KKVLA2
        body = Kerbin

            PQSCity = KKVLA_ksidehangars1_0
            PQSCity = Area 110011
            PQSCity = KKVLA_kside110011lift_0
            PQSCity = KKVLA_ksideobservatory1_0
            PQSCity = KKVLA_ksidemountaindoors_0
            PQSCity = KKVLA_ksidemountaindoors_1
            PQSCity = KKVLA_ksidearcology_0
            PQSCity = KKVLA_ksidetanks13_0
            PQSCity = KKVLA_ksidevabsph1_0
        name = KKVLA3
        body = Kerbin

            PQSCity = KKVLA
        name = KKVLA_0
        body = Kerbin

            PQSCity = KKVLA_ksidekkvladish2_0
        name = KKVLA_1
        body = Kerbin

            PQSCity = KKVLA_ksidekkvladish2_1
        name = KKVLA_2
        body = Kerbin

            PQSCity = KKVLA_ksidekkvladish2_2
        name = KKVLA_3
        body = Kerbin

            PQSCity = KKVLA_ksidekkvladish2_3
        name = KKVLA_4
        body = Kerbin

            PQSCity = KKVLA_ksidekkvladish2_4
        name = KKVLA_5
        body = Kerbin

            PQSCity = KKVLA_ksidekkvladish2_5
        name = KKVLA_6
        body = Kerbin

            PQSCity = KKVLA_ksidekkvladish2_6
        name = KKVLA_7
        body = Kerbin

            PQSCity = KKVLA_ksidekkvladish2_7
        name = KKVLA_8
        body = Kerbin

            PQSCity = KKVLA_ksidekkvladish2_8
        name = KKVLA_9
        body = Kerbin

            PQSCity = KKVLA_ksidekkvladish2_9
        name = KKVLA_10
        body = Kerbin

            PQSCity = KKVLA_ksidekkvladish1_0
eberkain commented 6 years ago

KKVLA_ksidekkvladish1_0 was a bad name, fixing that seems to have fixed the problem with the other configs... dont ask me.

eberkain commented 6 years ago

I think I have all the configs done now, thank you so much for the help!

Sigma88 commented 6 years ago

No problem!

Sigma88 commented 6 years ago

I saw you are looking for the old ksc lat/lon

You don't need those coords. You can use CentralPQSCity like you do for KSC

You just need to find the name of the old ksc

Same goes for ksc2, which is named "KSC2"

eberkain commented 6 years ago

What could I do about these? I'm pretty sure the floating radar dish is one of the stock CommNetDish, and there are multiple with the same name.

Sigma88 commented 6 years ago

no that's not a stock one

that is probably from the "GroundControl" folder in KerbinSide

if you install DebugStuff you should be able to get the name via mouseover

eberkain commented 6 years ago

Is there a way to adjust spawn points for some of the pads?

Sigma88 commented 6 years ago

as far as I know the spawn point is hardcoded inside the model

you may have some luck asking the KK dev

eberkain commented 6 years ago

ok, thanks

theonegalen commented 6 years ago

Hi, @sigma88, I'm trying to make KktoSD configs for the SM_Statics mod, and the problem I'm running into is that multiple instances of the same static have the same name in KittopiaTech, so I don't know which one to use as the center, or exclude from the old groups.

Sigma88 commented 6 years ago

KK should automatically generate different names, I don't think SD has the ability to distinguish between statics with the same name

I'll go back and take a look at the code, but I'm 90% positive this will require different names for the statics

theonegalen commented 6 years ago

So maybe I should rename some things and send spanner a pull request.

Sigma88 commented 6 years ago

@GER-Space didn't KK used to name statics so that every added PQSCity had a different name?

GER-Space commented 6 years ago

they should be named by the lone exception are launchsites which need to be named diffrently, because of some KSP internal black magic. (I'm still need to figure out why) I cannot imagine a reason why the names should not be unique

theonegalen commented 6 years ago

So, it turns out that when I changed the group of the SM_statics from KSCUpgrade to KSCUpgrade_SM, some of the boats ended up with the same name. When I changed the group back to KSCUpgrade, they had individual names again.

theonegalen commented 6 years ago

Also, when working with the BADT airfields and arenas Statics, whenever I set the central pqs group to anything besides a launch site, they would be scattered across the landscape. Which makes it impossible to actually line up most of those airfields.

Sigma88 commented 6 years ago

@theonegalen could you please run the system while adding debug = true inside the SigmaDimensions node?

then provide me the files listed [here[(

theonegalen commented 6 years ago

Sure. I mostly gave up in frustration yesterday, but I can do that later tonight.

Have you decided what you're going to do about SD, etc, for 1.4?

Sigma88 commented 6 years ago

I don't have an ETA for compatibility of any of my mods and ksp1.4 sorry