Sigma88 / Sigma-Dimensions

The Universal Rescale Mod for KSP
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Sigma Dimensions

The Universal Rescale Mod for KSP


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How To Report A Bug

To report a bug or to ask for support, open an issue on GitHub.

How To Install

This mod can be installed and updated automatically using the CurseForge App.

To install the mod manually, follow these instructions:

1. Install Manually

2. Uninstall manually


All Rights Reserved



This is the settings node, it is provided by the mod and should be edited using ModuleManager patches.

The SigmaDimensions settings node contains both Base and Advanced settings:

Base Settings Definitions

Advanced Settings Definitions

Planet Specific Changes

To apply Planet Specific Changes follow these instructions.

1. Create a .cfg file with the following code in it

            @PARAMETER = VALUE

2. Replace PLANET_NAME_HERE with the name of the planet you want to change

3. Replace PARAMETER with the name of the parameter you want to overwrite

4. Replace VALUE with the value you want to assign to the parameter

5. You can edit as many parameters as you want

6. Save the .cfg file anywhere in your KSP GameData folder

7. Do not mess this up. Everything will break.



This is the root node, you can add as many as you want, and they can be modified using ModuleManager patches.

The PQSCity_Groups root node contains the groups definitions: