SignalK / signalk-server-java

Apache License 2.0
6 stars 9 forks source link

Signal K java server

DEPRECATED: Replced by See for installation of the artemis-server

An example Signal K server using java. If you are after a quick install and trial of the java signalk server then you should use the signalk-java project. Its easier to install and has the front end that was previously in this project.

Provided under an Apache 2 licence

Current capabilities:


The project is not in any public maven repository yet but is available from To use that version add the following to your pom.xml:

        <!--choose appropriate version-->


The project is developed and built using maven and eclipse.

You will need to clone the signalk-core-java project and build it with maven , then the signalk-server-java project.

The default signalk-server-java build will use the most recent signalk-core build, so for dev you need to set the system property in maven as follows. This will cause the builds to use the dev dependencies, from your local repository.

mvn install

The signalk-core-java project is usable separately and contains the core model, and useful helpers.