SignalK / testclient

Test client that can discover servers, connect to them and validate their compatibility
Apache License 2.0
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Client to test Signal K servers and gateways

This test client tries to be a simple tool that one can fire up to discover & connect to Signal K servers/gateways, more specifically to their streaming WebSocket service.

Once connected the client verifies the schema compliance of the messages it receives and reports errors.


Install dependencies with npm install.

For Bonjour/mdns you need to install the optional mdns library with npm install mdns. On OS X the operating system has built in support for mDNS, on others you need to install avahi or Bonjour for Windows (not tested on Windows, let us know if it works).

Installing mDNS on Raspberry Pi

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev
npm install mdns

Once installed, you should be able to ping your Raspberry Pi by ping raspberrypi.local and discover other devices on your network by avahi-browse -a -t.


bin/signalk-test will start the test client in discovery mode: it will start Bonjour/dns-sd discovery process and once it finds a signalk-ws service it will try to connect to it.

bin/signalk-test localhost 3000 will try to connect directly to the specified address.

An optional third command line parameter will be used as the ?suscribe= parameter in delta connection url. The default is all.

Test client uses debug for logging. You can enable logging by setting the environment variable DEBUG to signalk:*.