SijuKJ / desktopoauth2.0

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Flutter Desktop App OAuth2.0 with PKCE

A flutter plugin for Desktop app OAuth2.0 protocol (Authorization Code ) by using a desktop browser. From the desktop App, the plugin delegates the authentication flow to a desktop browser. After successful authentication, this plugin fetches the authorization code from the browser and then fetches the access token from the authorization server.


  1. Authorization Code Flow
  2. PKCE enabled
  3. Client Secret support

Add dependency

  desktopoauth2: latest version  


Authorization code flow with PKCE support

Redirect URI for a callback needs to start with http://localhost:, followed by any chosen port number, and ending with /callback. Moreover, it stresses that the port number used in both the localPort parameter and the Redirect URI must be the same for consistency.

DesktopAuthorizationCodeFlow desktopAuthCodeFlow = DesktopAuthorizationCodeFlow();
//state //Optional
desktopAuthCodeFlow.authState = '';
//Authorize Access URL
desktopAuthCodeFlow.authorizationUrl = '';
// Client id
desktopAuthCodeFlow.clientId = '';
// Any port
desktopAuthCodeFlow.localPort = 9298;
//PKCE or Client Secret
desktopAuthCodeFlow.pkce = true;
//Redirect URI example - http://localhost:9298/callback
desktopAuthCodeFlow.redirectUri = '';
desktopAuthCodeFlow.scopes = ['openid'];
//Token Access URL
desktopAuthCodeFlow.tokenUrl = '';
// Additional Parameters (optional Parameter)
desktopAuthCodeFlow.additionalParameters = {};
desktopOAuth2.oauthorizeCode(desktopAuthCodeFlow).then((token) {
if (token != null && token.isNotEmpty) {
accessToken = token["access_token"];

Authorization code flow with Client Secret

DesktopAuthorizationCodeFlow desktopAuthCodeFlow = DesktopAuthorizationCodeFlow();
//state //Optional
desktopAuthCodeFlow.authState = '';
//Authorize Access URL
desktopAuthCodeFlow.authorizationUrl = '';
// Client id
desktopAuthCodeFlow.clientId = '';
// Any port
desktopAuthCodeFlow.localPort = 9298;
//PKCE or Client Secret
desktopAuthCodeFlow.pkce = false;
// Client Secret
//Redirect URI example - http://localhost:9298/callback
desktopAuthCodeFlow.redirectUri = '';
desktopAuthCodeFlow.scopes = ['openid'];
//Token Access URL
desktopAuthCodeFlow.tokenUrl = '';
desktopOAuth2.oauthorizeCode(desktopAuthCodeFlow).then((token) {
if (token != null && token.isNotEmpty) {
accessToken = token["access_token"];

Additional Parameters

Additionally, if necessary, we have the flexibility to include any extra parameters in the request.

 // Optional Feature
Map<String,String> additionalParameters = {};
additionalParameters['companyId'] = "company_name";
additionalParameters['tenantId'] = "tenant_name";
// Additional Parameters (optional Parameter)
desktopAuthCodeFlow.additionalParameters = additionalParameters;