Silenci0 / UMC

Ultimate Map Chooser plugin
43 stars 16 forks source link

NOTICE: UMC is Unsupported

Hello everyone,

TL;DR: I will no longer be supporting UMC as a project and I will not be responding to issues/pull requests either. As it stands, it works as long as you are not trying to be too complex with the plugins or have large map lists of 100+ maps, but some features do not work as well as they could and it does not completely work with Workshop maps in its current form. If you wish to take on the project, please go ahead and fork the repo and do whatever you wish with my permission/blessing/whatever (you do not need to contact me!). Good luck!

During February 2020, I had made a PSA notice in the issues section regarding an indefinite hiatus (see that post here: ) due to a number of personal reasons among other world events that made things more difficult to continue doing modding for things such as UMC, at least for me. A lot of things have changed since then, but I am still not working on UMC. What little I did do for modding between now and then has only been for ZPS, but only just barely. However, when it came to bigger projects such as this, I simply did not have the time, patience, or ability/drive to continue even during the free time that I had.

With that in mind, I want to make it clear: I will no longer support UMC now or in the future. Someone else will need to do so, if they wish to continue working on UMC that is. This DOES NOT mean the repo will be deleted (I want people to still fork from it and look at any issues still open/unsolved), I just won't be working on the plugin anymore or responding to any messages.

While I like the robust features of UMC as well as the idea behind it, keeping up with UMC has been its own chore. It has many problems with "newer" ways of dealing with maps (particularly dealing with workshop maps over fastdownload) and a number of bugs that come with its feature set that sometimes end up with fixes that cause more problems than solutions. On top of this, trying to fix UMC is a much more difficult task because of how UMC itself works, which requires work arounds and changes that may compromise certain aspects of the plugins design (which goes back to the fixes causing more problems than solutions). It still works, for the most part, but its obvious it has a lot of flaws and there are a number of cases where a particular feature ends up not working the way it should or the way most people would like. At this point, it would almost be simpler to build/design a whole new plugin for mapchoosing that attempts to have the same features as UMC without using the same design/backbone (paricularly, the overuse of keyvalues) as UMC does, but that too is its own job and if it were something that could be easily done, it would have been done years ago. That is not to say that it isn't possible, but to replicate the robust features of UMC while not relying on UMC's designs would take a little bit more elbow grease than most realize.

For those who wish to take over the project for themselves, feel free to fork this repo and do whatever you want with my permission (not that you needed it, its open source for a reason, but you don't need to contact me if you do). But be warned that UMC has a number of issues to deal with and some of the features may need fixed, updated, or even revised, which might take some work. Ultimately, dealing with workshop maps is the biggest downside this plugin has since it does not work well and I'm not sure how to fix it without completely ripping out the system UMC uses via keyvalues (which is why I said it would be simpler to make a new plugin). If you don't care about workshop maps and are only focusing support on the fastdownload methodology, then your job is much simpler, but it still requires some work to fix. Either way, if you take this project on, you are in for some work.

For users that like using UMC, know that it still works, but it has constraints. The wiki for this repo has a recommended plugin section that you should follow and I suggest allowing for map nominations rather than group nominations. Use the map groups to help divide maps into categories for uses to choose from when nominating a map, but let the map plugins throw out some maps + player nominations to vote on. Have smaller map lists with a list of maps that players can choose from in UMC (you can still have a lot of maps on your server and can change to maps that aren't on the UMC maplist, just don't bog down your UMC maplists with 100+ maps!). Overall, this plugin works well if you aren't trying to be too complex about how you want your maps chosen. It does not like workshop maps so your best bet is using fastdownload for everything when using UMC. I do not have a recommended replacement map chooser plugin as an alternative for UMC. Unless one came out recently, I don't know of any others outside of the SM mapchooser and the Mapchooser Extended.

I hope this clears up any uncertainty about this version of UMC and its future (or lackthereof). Thanks for the support and messages over the years!


Ultimate Map Chooser.

This plugin is design to be a more complex mapchooser plugin that can be used to create various map lists to vote from. While it has all the standard map voting items (rtv, nominate, etc.) it also has some complexity in that you can set special conditions (such as player thresholds) for certain maps, which can help introduce some maps when a server is more full or allow users to pick ones based on map prefix, gamemode, and other such things.

For full explainations on the modules, their functions, plugin installation instructions, game compatability, and other information regarding UMC, please refer to the github wiki found here:


3.7.1 Update (11-09-2019)

3.7.0 Update (08-14-2019)

3.6.2 Wiki Update (01-23-2019)

3.6.2 Update (11-29-2018)

3.6.0 Update (06-11-2018)

3.5.1 Hotfix 2 (06-18-2017)

3.5.1 Hotfix (06-04-2017)

3.5.1 Update (03-28-2017)

3.5.0 Initial/Update (10-16-2016)