SilentCog / rpgjs

Easter egg console.log game in the text based RPG fashion.
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API for creating easter-egg text-adventure game in your browser's console, or visibly on your site.

Playing Games

Playing games created with console-game is easy!

Send commands to the function created with either NewGame or NewConsoleGame. For example, if you created a game and saved it to a variable g, you could move east by using g("move east") (either in your code, or in your browser's console). If the game was created using NewConsoleGame, the resulting text will automatically be printed to the console. It's that simple! For more info on what can be done, see "Basic Actions" and "Frame Actions".

Using the API

Creating a New Game

To create a new game assign the results of either the NewGame or NewConsoleGame function to a variable. For the rest of this guide we'll use g -

var g = NewGame("My New Game", {...});

NewConsoleGame takes only two arguments: The game name, and the "options" object (more on that later). The game name can be anything and is only used when the console is first opened as an introduction.

NewGame takes three arguments: The same two as NewConsoleGame plus an additional textCallback. textCallback should be a function which is called every time the game needs to print text - it's only parameter is the new text that needs to be displayed.

The Options Object

The second parameter passed to the NewGame function is a series of options and specifications that define your entire game. At it's base level, options has three properties -

version specifies the version of the game, intro is the text displayed on start up (in addition to the intro text from the first room). Frames is an object which defines the bulk of your game.


Frames are the backbone of your game. Each one represents a room, or position. Frames have several properties -


Any time a function is used for a property in the options object, several game functions are made available to you. These are all accessible via "this". For example, in movement, if you wanted the command "move east" to move to a new frame, you would use the following code -

movement : {
  "east" : function()

For a full list of functions, see the reference at the end of this guide.

Basic Actions

Every frame has the following actions available to it -

move (ex - move east) The argument of this action is matched against the keys of the movement property of the current frame; the value of which should be a function which is then called. Typically these are "north", "east", "south", "west" but there are no limitations (spaces included) on what you can use for an argument with move. Doesn't even strictly need to be used for movement.

inspect (ex - inspect) Displays the "inspect" text of the current scene.

pickup (ex - pickup key) Picks up the named item from the frame and adds it to the player's inventory.

use (ex - use key on door) Uses the named item on the named object. Calls the current item's "use" function.

inventory (ex - inventory) Shows the player everything currently in their inventory.

Frame Actions

In addition to basic actions, every frame has the ability to add actions that apply only to it. Frame actions are written as functions which take as their only argument the string of the player's command after the action word. For example, if we wanted to add the option to open and close a door in our game, we would add the following frame actions to our frame -

frameActions : {
  "open" : function(val)
      case "door":
          this.frameVars("doorOpen", true);
          return "I've opened the door";
          return "The door is already open";

      case "":
        return "What did you want me to open?";

        return "I can't open that.";
  "close" : function(val)
      case "door":
          this.frameVars("doorOpen", false);
          return "I've shut the door";
          return "The door is already shut";

      case "":
        return "What did you want me to shut?";

        return "I can't shut that.";


Items are an important part of almost any text-adventure. To introduce items to a frame, use the items property. Items can have the following properties:


The following functions can be used inside of any function in your game options. They are all accessible with the "this" keyword.

addItemToFrame (itemName : required string, item : required object) : boolean Adds the item item to the current frame under the name itemName. Returns true if successful, false if not (item already in frame).

addItemToInventory (itemName : required string, item : required object) : boolean Adds the item item to the player's inventory under the name itemName. Returns true if successful, false if not (item already in frame).

end (message : optional string) : void Ends the game. You can specify a message that will be displayed to the user if any further input is entered with the message argument.

frameHasItem (itemName : required string) : boolean Returns true if the current frame has an item named itemName in it.

frameVars (key : required string, value : optional any) : any Frame variables are variables that are accessible only on the current frame, and are persistent between visits to the frame. The frameVars function sets frame variable key if value is specified, and returns the value of key always.

gameVars (key : required string, value : optional any) : any Game variables are variables that are accessible from any frame. The gameVars function sets game variable key if value is specified, and returns the value of key always.

getCurrentFrame () : object Returns the object of the current frame as it is defined in the options object.

getCurrentFrameName () : string Returns the name of the current frame.

getItemFromFrame (itemName : required string) : object Gets the item object of item itemName from the current frame.

getItemFromInventory (itemName : required string) : object Gets the item object of item itemName from the player's inventory.

getInventory () : object Gets the current inventory in object form.

initFrameVar (key : required string, value : required any) : any If frame variable key does not exist, it will be created and set to value value. Otherwise does nothing.

initGameVar (key : required string, value : required any) : any If game variable key does not exist, it will be created and set to value value. Otherwise does nothing.

inventoryHasItem (itemName : required string) : boolean Returns true if the player's inventory has an item named itemName in it.

itemAvailableInFrame (itemName : required string) : boolean Similar to frameHasItem, only also checks if item is available.

moveTo (frameName : required string) : void Changes the current frame to frameName.

play (input : required string) : void Can be used to issue commands as the player would. Simply pass a string as you would if you were a player.

print (text : required string) : void Sends text to the text callback method specified in NewGame. For NewConsoleGame, this writes to the browser console.

removeItemFromFrame (itemName : required string) : boolean Removes the item itemName from the current frame. Returns true if successful, false if not (item not found in frame).

removeItemFromInventory (itemName : required string) : boolean Removes the item itemName from the player's inventory. Returns true if successful, false if not (item not found in inventory).

Development Server

Install node.js and run:

npm install

Then this to start the server:

npm start

Open your browser to http://localhost:1337

Isomorphic React Goodness

Isomorphic React components live in the /views directory. Directory structure as follows:

    /components - individual components for use on the client side and server side
    /layouts - html page wrappers for server side rendering
    /pages - Full pages called by express routes for server side rendering

To Do

License and Editing the API

Code is provided "as-is" and comes with no promises of any kind. You may modify the API in anyway you see fit, but please provide a reference to this repository, as well as a copy of this read-me.