SillyDay / EFR32

EFR32MG Series ZigBee Firmware
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[REQUEST] Zigbee coordinator firmware build for the EFR32 based Sonoff ZBBridge? #4

Open Hedda opened 4 years ago

Hedda commented 4 years ago

@SillyDay Taught I just ask if you would mind helping out Tasmota developers with building Zigbee coordinator firmware images with the EmberZNet Zigbee stack for EFR32 based Sonoff ZBBridge?

From their discussion it does sounds as if they need a firmware image that includes Bootloader, see:

Sonoff ZBBridge is an inexpensive EFR32MG21 & ESP8266 based Sonoff branded Zigbee Bridge by ITead

s-hadinger wrote this today regarding pin definition

the complete EFR32 module pinout and ESP8266 connection is as follows:

  • PB01-TX + PB00-RX, pads ETX+ERX, connected to GPIO1+3
  • PA00, no pad, connected to GPIO5
  • PA01, pad SWCLK, not connected to ESP
  • PA02, pad SWDIO, not connected to ESP
  • PA05, pad Z_TX/PA05, not connected to ESP (EFR32 console)
  • PA06, pad Z_RX/PA06, not connected to ESP (EFR32 console)
  • nRST, pad Z_RST, connected toGPIO4`
  • no other EFR32 pin connected
Hedda commented 4 years ago

FYI, @mtx512 posted now in saying that he also has access to Silicon Labs SDK and EmberZNet Zigbee Stack and has offered his help to Tasmota developers to build compatible Zigbee coordinator firmware image for the EFR32MG21 NCP that is in the Sonoff ZBBridge hardware. Hopefully, he might also willing to publicly share those firmware images via GitHub repo like you @SillyDay

Hedda commented 4 years ago

FYI; @mtx512 builds a custom ZNet EZSP NCP firmware for the EFR32 module inside Sonoff ZBBridge:

He also builds ZNet EZSP NCP firmware for other devices, including icc-a-1" EFR32 MG1 based module which can be desoldered from an IKEA Tradfri bulb and hacked for the same reasons: