SillyTavern / SillyTavern-Timelines

Timeline view for SillyTavern chats
MIT License
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SillyTavern Timelines Extension

STTL_screenshot An extension for timeline based navigation of ST chat histories.

Think Loom [1] [2], but built on ST's chat paradigm.


Installation and Usage


Use ST's inbuilt extension installer.


For convenient one-click access, bind the /tl command to a custom Quick Reply button. A useful short label is "⏳" (U+23F3, HOURGLASS WITH FLOWING SAND).


Hover tooltips describe available actions at any node or edge.


While checkpoints are a core ST feature, Timelines takes them to center stage, so we explain them briefly here.

A checkpoint is just a named chat branch. Branches, including checkpoints, are essentially separate chat files. You may sometimes see the old term bookmark, which means checkpoint.

Timelines itself only creates (unnamed) branches.

Checkpoints are created in the ST main GUI. To create a checkpoint, go to the chat message you want, and then press the Checkpoint button in the Message Actions for that message. The actions are in the "..." menu, unless you have enabled Expand Message Actions in your User Settings (advanced mode).

To rename a checkpoint, rename the file in a file manager.

To delete a branch or checkpoint, use ST's built-in Manage chat files view, or a file manager. Roughly speaking: delete the chat file that was spawned by the branch or checkpoint, and the branch/checkpoint will be gone.

However, checkpoint tracking complicates things slightly:

Timelines tracks checkpoint paths by following checkpoint links, ignoring any dead links. Therefore:


SillyTavern version >=1.10.4

Support and Contributions

All feedback and issues welcome.
