Silverpeas / docker-silverpeas-prod

A project to build a docker image of Silverpeas ready for production
GNU General Public License v3.0
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A project that produces a Docker image of Silverpeas 6 from a template. It is dedicated for building the official images of Silverpeas 6 in the Docker Hub.

Docker descriptor generation

The Dockerfile used to build a Docker image of Silverpeas 6 is generated from the template Dockerfile.template by the shell script The script accepts two arguments: the versions of both Silverpeas 6 and Wildfly for which a Dockerfile has to be generated.

For example, to generate a Dockerfile for Silverpeas 6.1 and Wildfly 18.0.1:

$ ./ 6.1 18.0.1

The generator is dedicated to be used only by ourselves to generate and to tag the Dockerfile for a new version of Silverpeas. This descriptor will then be used to build the latest official Docker image of Silverpeas in the Docker Hub.

Image creation

We provide a shell script to ease the build of a Docker image of Silverpeas.

To know how to use this script, just do:

$ ./ -h

To build the Docker image of the latest version of Silverpeas, id est the version of Silverpeas for which the current Dockerfile was generated:

$ ./

To build an image for a given version of Silverpeas 6, say 6.1:

$ ./ -v 6.1

This will checkout the tag 6.1 and then build the image from the tagged Dockerfile.

By default, the image is created with en_US.UTF-8 as the default locale. To specify another locale, for example fr_FR.UTF-8, just do:

$ ./ -l fr_FR.UTF-8

How to use this image

For an explanation of how to use the Docker images of Silverpeas, please read carefully the documentation up-to-day in our Official Silverpeas Repository in the Docker Hub.

Docker compose

You can bootstrap a Docker environment with Silverpeas and the PostgreSQL database for Silverpeas by using Docker Compose.

For doing, an excerpt of a Docker compose descriptor docker-compose.yml is provided. It depends on the environment variables defined in the silverpeas.env file. To use it, just copy silverpeas.env to .env and adjust the values of the variables in the file to your requirement. Then:

$ docker compose up

to create and then to launch both the PostgreSQL and Silverpeas services. At creation of the Silverpeas service, Silverpeas will be automatically reconfigured to use the PostgreSQL database as defined in the .env file.

To stop the services:

$ docker compose stop

To start again the services:

$ docker compose start

Once the services are started, you can connect to the container running Silverpeas:

$ docker exec -u root -it silverpeas /bin/bash

Inside the container, you can then update by hand the configuration of Silverpeas and Wildfly.

To update one of the running container to a new version, just edit the .env file by specifying into it the new version of PostgreSQL or of Silverpeas and then:

$ docker compose up

It will take care to stop the running container, then to build the new one from the new version of the image and finally to run it. As the data are stored into external volumes (and not in the container), the data of the application will be kept for the new running container.