SilvioGiancola / SoccerNet-code

SoccerNet: A Scalable Dataset for Action Spotting in Soccer Videos
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data issue #16

Open juvien opened 4 years ago

juvien commented 4 years ago

i tried this ./src/ data/SoccerNet_V1.1_Features.csv many time .when it download for some time the happen this problem : Permission denied: Maybe you need to change permission over 'Anyone with the link'?

how can i solve this,excuse

kosciukiewicz commented 4 years ago

I have the same error and it seems that the problem is with the gdown library itself. I tried to download features with wget or curl but it seems that google is blocking automatic request with recaptha or something (based on raw curl response I got).

I come up with simple solution to download only features I want (don't want to downlaod all 111GB for now) and I used rclone to config gdrive with my credentials .

All you need to do is during the remote config set root-folder-id to shared folder id that appears in gdrive links:

for example for features link:

it's 1qkIeQCGaHg0_CUCHvh3hQFTlq26D20Ts

Then only use this command:

rclone copy -v soccer-net:/ ~/Downloads/SoccerNet_V1.1_Features --exclude "*I3D.npy" --exclude "*C3D.npy"

where soccer-net is my remote name and 'exclude' part is for metioned features filtering

Hope it helps!

SilvioGiancola commented 4 years ago

@kosciukiewicz That is a very nice trick to by-pass Google Drive limitation! I wish I knew that library beforehand :)