SilvioGiancola / SoccerNet-code

SoccerNet: A Scalable Dataset for Action Spotting in Soccer Videos
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SoccerNet: A Scalable Dataset for Action Spotting in Soccer Videos

[DEPRECATED] Please visit for an updated version of that repository

CVPR'18 Workshop on Computer Vision in Sports

Available at

  author = {Giancola, Silvio and Amine, Mohieddine and Dghaily, Tarek and Ghanem, Bernard},
  title = {SoccerNet: A Scalable Dataset for Action Spotting in Soccer Videos},
  booktitle = {The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops},
  month = {June},
  year = {2018}

Project page:

Data available:

Clone this repository

git clone

Create the conda environement (Python3)

conda env create -f src/environment.yml

source activate SoccerNet

Download the data

We recommand to use to download large files from google drive.

pip install gdown (already in the conda environment)

Please use the following script to download automatically the data:

./src/ data/SoccerNet_V1.1_Features.csv

./src/ data/SoccerNet_V1.1_Labels.csv

./src/ data/SoccerNet_V1.1_Commentaries.csv

./src/ data/SoccerNet_V1.1_Videos.csv

./src/ data/SoccerNet_V1.1_Videos_HQ.csv

Read data

Read data for a single game

python src/ "data/england_epl/2014-2015/2015-05-17 - 18-00 Manchester United 1 - 1 Arsenal"

Read commentaries for a single game

python src/ data france_ligue-1 2016-2017 "Paris SG" "Marseille"

Loop and read over Train/Valid/Test

python src/ data src/listgame_Train_300.npy

Loop and read over all games

python src/ data

Source code for data reproducibility

Features Extraction from videos

See src/feature_extraction for more details.

Action Classification

See src/Classification for more details.

Action Detection/Spotting

See src/Detection for more details.

Getting Started with Colab

It is possible to use Colab to work with SoccerNet on the Google Cloud. Colab provides a colaborative python environment in the cloud including unlimited storage as well as a free Tesla K80 GPU.

To us SoccerNet on Colab, please check this jupyter notebook.

(Acknowlegments: thanks to lamia13Alg for sharing her Colab notebook)