SilvioGiancola / SoccerNet-code

SoccerNet: A Scalable Dataset for Action Spotting in Soccer Videos
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Correct links for gdown #2

Closed agirbau closed 6 years ago

agirbau commented 6 years ago

Hello! I think you made a typo on calling gdown for collecting data, it should be (e.g.): ./

Is this correct?

agirbau commented 6 years ago

OK, my bad, I was the one calling it wrongly ^^

SilvioGiancola commented 6 years ago

Hi agirbau, To clear any doubt, needs 2 arguments, the first one is the url of the google drive file, the second one is the local path where the file will be downloaded. Note that you may need a fast connection, there is almost 120GB of data. You may want to visit the google drive link to check the data structure and download a single file. Cheers