SilvioGiancola / SoccerNet-code

SoccerNet: A Scalable Dataset for Action Spotting in Soccer Videos
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Is it possible to download only a part of the dataset for using it? (For example, only a part of the Frame Features file, due to its big size) #21

Open soumyabrata040 opened 3 years ago

soumyabrata040 commented 3 years ago

It says that this script:

./src/ data/SoccerNet_V1.1_Features.csv

will download the whole 119 GB Frame Features dataset using gdown. But is there a way to download only a part of it to use for reading the data.

SilvioGiancola commented 3 years ago

As mentioned in the, you can also look at the features there:

Alternatively, check the new development kit from SoccerNet-v2: