SilvioGiancola / SoccerNet-code

SoccerNet: A Scalable Dataset for Action Spotting in Soccer Videos
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can't find listgame_Train_300.npy,listgame_Test_100.npy,listgame_Valid_100.npy #4

Closed tianyilt closed 5 years ago

tianyilt commented 5 years ago

None of them are in "data/". But I find them in commit history "add train/valid/test split according to the SoccerNet paper". Why they are removed later ? Could you take them back, thank you.

tianyilt commented 5 years ago

i have create a pull request

SilvioGiancola commented 5 years ago

I brought back the list of the games used in the SoccerNet paper for training, validation and testing, they have been deleted for no reason. Thanks for raising that issue.