E-commerce website using MERN stack (Mongo, Express, React, Node).
I have built this App for a client from Romania. Please translate to English from browser when you go to my live App in order to see the products in English.
The back-end is in the root directory. 'index.js' is the main file, 'src' folder contains the source code of the API designed following the MVC(Model, View, Controller) design pattern.
The front-end is in the 'client' folder from the root directory.
Clone the repo
git clone
Create a copy of '.env.example' file from the root directory. Rename it to '.env', open it and replace the placeholder. Do the same in the client folder.
Install dependencies for server & client
npm install && npm run client-install
Start the server
npm run start
Open new terminal and start front-end
npm run client-start
Server runs on http://localhost:3001 and client on http://localhost:3000
Auth0 -
Mailjet -
Deploy to Heroku -
MongoDB Connection -
This project is licensed under the MIT License