Fast FTP server for ESP32 based boards using SD cards as data storage.
Uses native ESP32 framework code to achieve the fastest transfer rates using SPI or MMC interfaces (700 KB/s +).
Useful as a fast and cheap file, live audio and video server. Supports only one connection, but idle connections stay connected if no other clients are accesing.
Supported prob by all major browsers like Chrome, Firefox and Edge, also Windows programs like TotalCommander and FileZilla, probably many more.
KODI and VLC live video and audio support.
AndFtp client for Android tested and works.
Full Directory and long filenames support, supports creation editing and deletion of directories and files, does not support time functions yet
File seek and append functions supported.
Only single connection and passive server.
Does not support encryption (prob not necessary), only a single user with password or no password.
See the ESP32 online manuals and schemas for connecting the SD card to your ESP32.
Copy the ESP32FastFTP directory from the archive contents to the %HOMEPATH%/Documents/Arduino/libraries, start Arduino IDE and select ESP32_FTP_server from Examples.
Install the library, connect the SD card to your ESP32 board, start Arduino IDE and select your ESP32 board then select ESP32_FTP_server from Examples menu, edit the WiFi connection information and FTP user and pass, and flash the board. After the board restarts you should have a FTP server with the contents of your SD card.