SimaticResearchActivity / FBAE

Framework for Broadcast Algorithms Evaluation
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Framework for Broadcast Algorithms Evaluation


FBAE is a software framework, developed in C++, to evaluate performances (latency and throughput) of Total-Order Broadcast Algorithms when there are no failures. It has been tested on Linux and Windows with compilers: clang, gcc and MSVC. In July 2024, FBAE does not compile with Apple clang: macOS users must install gcc or standard clang to compile FBAE.

Thanks to FBAE, it is possible to evaluate (and thus compare) the performances of different Total-Order broadcast algorithms using different communication protocols (For the moment, only TCP is available, but other communication layers are foreseen).

Compilation of FBAE


FBAE relies on log4cxx, the library proposed by Apache foundation to do logging. To be able to compile and link a program using this library, you must apply the following installation procedure on the machine where you will compile FBAE.


As mentioned here:

sudo apt-get install libapr1-dev libaprutil1-dev

Then, we recommend the following command:

sudo apt-get install liblog4cxx-dev

and you should be done... unless you experience compilation problems of FBAE later on. If you have such problems, you must apply the procedure proposed by log4cxx developers:

cd [workDirectory]
# Uncompress archive in a workDirectory
cd [workDirectory]/apache-log4cxx-1.2.0
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DBUILD_TESTING=off ..
# To trigger installation in standard directory, do:
sudo make install


As mentioned here, "APR and APR-Util are provided by the platform in Mac OS/X 10.5 and iODBC in 10.4. cmake can be installed by typing "brew install cmake"."

Then, apply linux proposed procedure, i.e. download log4cxx 1.2.0 archive from, etc.


cd [directoryWhereYouWantToInstallVcpkg; For instance, c:\software]
git clone
.\vcpkg\vcpkg integrate install

This last command will display the following message:

Applied user-wide integration for this vcpkg root.
CMake projects should use: "-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=C:/software/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake"

All MSBuild C++ projects can now #include any installed libraries. Linking will be handled automatically. Installing new libraries will make them instantly available.

Note the directory which is suggested (C:/software/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake in our example), as you will have to specify this directory in top CMakeLists.txt of FBAE.

cd [directoryContainingVcpkgDirectory]
.\vcpkg\vcpkg install expat apr apr-util log4cxx

Compilation procedure

Once prerequisite are done (see previous section), clone FBAE repository and apply cmake procedure of this document.

Note that, ion case of Windows environment, you may have to adapt top CMakeLists.txt to write the path which was displayed by .\vcpkg\vcpkg integrate install command mentioned earlier in the line:

set(CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE C:/software/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake)

Executing FBAE

Writing JSON site file

First, write a JSON site file defining the sites which will run instances of FBAE. To write such a file, inspire yourself from the following example, by replacing "localhost" (respectively 4096, 4097 and 4098) by the host names (respectively the ports) you will use for your experiments:

    "sites": [
            "tuple_element0": "localhost",
            "tuple_element1": 4096
            "tuple_element0": "localhost",
            "tuple_element1": 4097
            "tuple_element0": "localhost",
            "tuple_element1": 4098

This file example defines 3 sites, each running on localhost, the first site listening for connections on port 4096, the second one on port 4097, and the third one on port 4098.

Note: res directory of FBAE repository contains samples of site files.

Launch manually fbae executable

Once your site file is ready, you can run fbae executable according to the following usage:

fbae -a|--algo <algo_identifier> -A|--algoArgument <string> -c|--comm <communicationLayer_identifier> -C|--commArgument <string> -f|--frequency <number> -h|--help -m|--maxBatchSize <number_of_messages> -M|--multicastAddress <IP_address> -n|--nbMsg <number> -P|--multicastPort <number> -r|--rank <rank_number> -s|--size <size_in_bytes> -S|--site <siteFile_name> -w|--warmupCooldown <number>
  -a|--algo <algo_identifier>                Broadcast Algorithm
                                                B = BBOBB
                                                S = Sequencer base
                                                L = LCR
                                                T = Trains
  -A|--algoArgument <string>                 [optional] String to specify an argument to be used by a specific broadcast algorithm (e.g. trainsNb=2 to specify that Trains algorithm must use 2 trains in parallel)
  -c|--comm <communicationLayer_identifier>  Communication layer to be used
                                                t = TCP
  -C|--commArgument <string>                 [optional] String to specify an argument to be used by a specific communication layer (e.g. tcpMaxSizeForOneWrite=32768 to specify that Tcp communication layer will send a message and its length inside a single message as long as message length is below 32768 bytes)
  -f|--frequency <number>                    [optional] Number of PerfMessage sessionLayer messages which must be sent each second (By default, a PerfMessage is sent when receiving a PerfResponse)
  -h|--help                                  Show help message
  -m|--maxBatchSize <number_of_messages>     [optional] Maximum size of batch of messages (if specified algorithm allows batch of messages; By default, maxBatchSize is unlimited)
  -M|--multicastAddress <IP_address>         [optional] If specified, indicates that participant must use network-level multicast and the IP address to be used (IP address can be either IPv4 e.g. or IPv6 e.g. ff31::8000:1234)
  -n|--nbMsg <number>                        Number of messages to be sent
  -P|--multicastPort <number>                [optional] When -M|--multicastAddress is specified, indicates port number to be used for network-level multicast (By default, port 30001 is used)
  -r|--rank <rank_number>                    Rank of process in site file (if 99, all algorithm participants are executed within threads in current process)
  -s|--size <size_in_bytes>                  Size of messages sent by a client (must be in interval [31,65515])
  -S|--site <siteFile_name>                  Name (including path) of the sites file to be used
  -w|--warmupCooldown <number>               [optional] Number in [0,99] representing percentage of PerfMessage sessionLayer messages which will be considered as part of warmup phase or cool down phase and thus will not be measured for ping (By default, percentage is 0%)

For instance, you can open 3 terminals and run:

After a while (depending on the number of messages to be sent you specified), fbae displays the statistics (structured in CSV format) observed for this process, e.g.:

algoLayer,algoArgument,commLayer,commArgument,isUsingNetworkLevelMulticast,frequency,maxBatchSize,nbMsg,warmupCooldown,rank,sizeMsg,siteFile,nbPing,Average (in ms),Min,Q(0.25),Q(0.5),Q(0.75),Q(0.99),Q(0.999),Q(0.9999),Max,Elapsed time (in sec),CPU time (in sec),Throughput (in Mbps)

Note that, for testing purpose, it is possible to launch a single instance of fbae which will execute all activities in different threads. To do so, give value 99 to the rank, e.g. ./fbae -a S -c t -n 20 -r 99 -s 32 -S ../../../res/sites_3_local.json

Launch fbae executable thanks to a script

utils directory contains Python script. Its usage is:

python3 path_to_fbae_executable path_to_result_directory all_fbae_arguments_except_-r_or_--rank

For instance, if file sites_8_machines.json contains the specification of 8 hosts/ports, command:

python3 /absolute_path/FBAE /absolute_path/FBAE/results/ -a B -c t -n 5 -s 32 -S /absolute_path/FBAE/sites_8_machines.json

launches instances of fbae on each of these 8 hosts/ports. When these instances are done, each generates a result file in /absolute_path/FBAE/results, the name of the file containing the rank of the instance, in its last character. For instance, file /absolute_path/FBAE/results/result_-a_B_-c_t_-n_5_-s_32_-S__netfs_inf_simatic_FBAE_sites_8_b313.json_--rank_0 contains the results produced by instance ranked 0 (see --rank_0 at the end of the name of the file.

Configure level of traces to be displayed

Level of traces to be displayed is configured in res/ file. By default, all traces of level WARN, ERROR and FATAL are displayed in all packages.

If you want to change the default level of traces displayed, specify INFO (to activate all traces), ERROR, FATAL or even OFF (for no traces at all) instead of WARN in the line of res/

log4j.rootLogger = WARN, stderr

If you want to generate a file in addition to displaying the traces on stderr, replace the line:

log4j.rootLogger = WARN, stderr

by the line:

log4j.rootLogger = WARN, stderr, file

Note: The name and directory of the written file is specified by the line (/tmp/traces.log in our example):

log4j.appender.file.File = /tmp/traces.log

If you want to change the level of traces in one or several FBAE packages, specify INFO (to activate all traces), ERROR, FATAL or even OFF (for no traces at all) after the = sign corresponding to this package in res/ file. For instance, if you want INFO traces concerning FBAE's AlgoLayer package, replace the line:

log4j.logger.fbae.core.AlgoLayer =

by the line:

log4j.logger.fbae.core.AlgoLayer = INFO

Current status of FBAE

Total-Order broadcast algorithms

This section lists the total-order broadcast algorithms which can be currently evaluated with FBAE.

BBOBB Algorithm

This algorithm is described in paper BBOBB: A total order broadcast algorithm achieving low latency and high throughput by Michel Simatic and Benoit Tellier, 46th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2016), Toulouse, France, June 2016.

In BBOBB algorithm implementation, all sites broadcast messages.

LCR Algorithm

This algorithm is described in paper "Throughput optimal total order broadcast for cluster environments" by Guerraoui, R., Levy, R. R., Pochon, B., and Quéma, V. in ACM Trans. Comput. Syst., 28 :5 :1–5 :32 (2010).

In LCR algorithm implementation, all sites broadcast messages.

Sequencer-based algorithm

In Sequencer-based algorithm, one site (the first one specified in the sites file) is given the role of Sequencer. The other sites specified in the site file are given the role of Broadcasters.

When a Broadcaster wants to broadcast a message, it sends its message to the Sequencer which sends it back to all Broadcasters, so that they can deliver it.

Communication protocols

This section lists the communication protocols which can be currently invoked for algorithm evaluation with FBAE.


TCP communication protocols is implemented thanks to Boost library.

(deprecated) ENet

ENet is a reliable UDP networking library. It is also able to guarantee FIFO on communication channels. We used all of these properties in FBAE. Unfortunately, Enet experiences reentrancy problems with BBOBB algorithm. Thus, it is not anymore offered in FBAE*.

Extending FBAE

To extend FBAE, take a look at doc/ and read the following subsections.

Global architecture of FBAE

FBAE is structured into 3 layers :

The interfaces between these layers are the following:

Logging traces to your implementation

FBAE relies on log4cxx logging library.

The following trace levels are used:


Adding another Total-Order broadcast algorithm

This section describes how to add another Total-Order broadcast algorithm to FBAE. To illustrate the procedure, it gives examples assuming that your algorithm is named Foo.

Before presenting the procedure, you need to understand the difference between:

For instance:

Now we can present the procedure for adding another Total-Order broadcast algorithm:

  1. Draw several Message Sequence Charts (MSC) to illustrate the algorithm behavior. To do so, you can use a tool like plantuml (see examples in doc directory).
  2. Create a subdirectory of src/lib/AlgoLayer directory, named after the name of your algorithm. For instance, src/lib/AlgoLayer/Foo directory.
  3. Create a file for defining messages exchanged between the processes executing your algorithm, e.g. src/lib/AlgoLayer/Foo/FooMsg.h, containing:
    1. A first include which must be #include "../adaptCereal.h" followed by #include "cereal/archives/binary.hpp".
    2. Definition of a namespace dedicated to your algorithm.
    3. Definition of a enum class MsgId : MsgId_t containing the message identifiers used by your algorithm.
    4. Definition of the structure of the different messages. Note: This definition must include Cereal serialization method (for examples, see implementation of Sequencer or BBOBB algorithms and Cereal quick start).
  4. Create the class which will implement your algorithm, e.g. src/lib/AlgoLayer/Foo/Foo.h (to define your class) and src/lib/AlgoLayer/Foo/Foo.cpp (to implement your class).
    • Note: src/lib/CMakeLists.txt must be modified to contain AlgoLayer/Foo/Foo.cpp and AlgoLayer/Foo/Foo.h lines.
  5. Implement Foo::toString() method.
  6. Implement Foo::execute() method to handle the different messages your algorithm can receive.
    • Build the vector containing rank of participants which will behave as broadcasters during execution. Call setBroadcastersGroup(std::move(thisVector)).
    • Build the vector containing rank of participants your process needs to establish a communication link with. Call getSessionLayer()->getCommLayer()->openDestAndWaitIncomingMsg() with this vector.
  7. Implement Foo::totalOrderBroadcast() method. To do so, you must decide if:
    • Your algorithm sends immediately a message to one or several processes, like Sequencer algorithm. In that case, you must override AlgoLayer::totalOrderBroadcast() method.
    • Your algorithm stores the message to broadcast in a "batch" of messages waiting to be broadcast by the algorithm, like BBOBB algorithm. In that case, you do not need to implement anything as your class will use AlgoLayer::totalOrderBroadcast() method.
  8. If your algorithm works with "batch" of messages, it is very likely that you need to implement Foo::callbackInitDone() method to override AlgoLayer::callbackInitDone() in order to send one or several messages to initiate execution of your algorithm (e.g. BBOBB::callbackInitDone() sends an initial Step message).
    • Note: FBAE guarantees that you will not receive any message from other processes before the call to Foo::callbackInitDone() is done.
  9. Implement Foo::callbackReceive() method to handle all of the messages your algorithm is manipulating. In particular, if a sessionLayer message can be delivered, call getAlgoLayer()->batchNoDeadlockCallbackDeliver() if your algorithm is using "batch" of messages and getSessionLayer()->callbackDeliver() otherwise.
    • Note: Even if it may be multithreaded, Communication Layer guarantees that there will never be simultaneous calls to Foo::callbackReceive().
  10. Implement Foo::terminate() method.
  11. Implement GoogleTest tests in a dedicated .cpp file in tests/AlgoLayer directory (e.g. tests/AlgoLayer/testFoo.cpp). Run your tests.
    • Note: To compile properly, the required .h and .cpp files must be mentioned in tests/CMakeLists.txt.
  12. Modify main.cpp to integrate your new class:
    • In main function, modify parser variable initialization in order to specify (in the same way as letter 'S' in string "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tS = Sequencer based" specifies 'S' as the letter for Sequencer algorithm) the letter which will specify your added algorithm.
    • In concreteAlgoLayer() function, add a case with this new letter to create an instance of your class.
  13. Run integration tests.

Adding another communication protocol

If you want to add another communication protocol:

  1. Make a new subclass of CommLayer by inspiring yourself from Tcp.h and Tcp.cpp. Note:
    • FBAE must guarantee that, when AlgoLayer::callbackInitDone() method is called, AlgoLayer::callbackReceive() was not previously called. This is the role of:
      • getInitDoneCalled().wait(); instruction in Tcp::handleIncomingConn()
      • getInitDoneCalled().count_down(); instruction in Tcp::openDestAndWaitIncomingMsg()
    • FBAE must guarantee that, when AlgoLayer::callbackReceive() method is called, it is not called concurrently by another thread of CommLayer on the same instance of AlgoLayer subclass. Thus, you must pay attention to protect the call to getAlgoLayer()->callbackReceive() with a mutual exclusion (see an example with line std::scoped_lock lock(mtxCallbackHandleMessage); in Tcp::handleIncomingConn()).
  2. Modify main.cpp to integrate your new class:
    • In main function, modify parser variable initialization in order to specify (in the same way as letter 'e' in string "\n\t\t\t\t\ŧ\t\te = Enet (reliable)" specifies 'e' as the letter for Enet (reliable)) the letter which will specify your added communication protocol.
    • In concreteCommLayer() function, add a case with this new letter to create an instance of your CommLayer subclass.