SimeonC / SpokeDM

SpokeDM AGPL repository. See
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
3 stars 1 forks source link

This file is part of SpokeDM.

SpokeDM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

SpokeDM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public along with SpokeDM.
If not, see


SpokeDM AGPL repository. See


Included in this repository is all the files needed to run SpokeDM, this includes a copy of CFWheels ( and the DBMigrate plugin, both of which include their own licenses.

SpokeDM Framework Readme

SpokeDM is short for Spoke Data Management Framework - named for the imagery of spokes in wheels as this is a framework that leverages CFWheels (1.1.8) to make visual sense of data with minimal development time. Allowing developers to work on the more complex "axles" and "Hubs" of the application without worrying about having to code maintenance screens, the maintenance screens could even form part of your application. Some key features of this framework are:


SpokeDM ships with some demonstration pages;

A full working example can be viewed @ <cfwheels base url>/spokes/demoparent/1, To view this you need to do the following steps:

  1. Setup a datasource for CFWheels, preferably to a blank database (NOTE warning in the Setup Checklist section if using MySQL)
  2. Setup the tables via the dbmigrate cfwheels plugin, navigate to /rewrite.cfm?controller=wheels&action=wheels&view=plugins&name=dbmigrate to run the setup script (Click "Go" under the Migrate Heading).
  3. Uncomment the line for your database type in Models/DemoParent.cfc (Most of CFWheels supported databases concatenate strings differently)

An example of all the available input types can be viewed @ /spokes/test/true; this doesn't require any setup.

When using SpokeDM there are 2 URL's you should be aware of:

<cfwheels base url>/spokes/[modelname]/list

<cfwheels base url>/spokes/[modelname]/[key]

NOTE: if you cannot see any of the pages, try reloading CFWHeels under testing as there was/is a known bug with the development/design modes and ajax calls which would prevent anything from loading.

Setup Checklist

WARNING: SpokeDM makes heavy use of aliases, if you are using Railo and parts do not work, a possible cause may be that you have a mysql database and have not turned on Alias Handling in the Railo datasource settings.

Creating Models

Create all the models that you wish to manage through SpokeDM as per a standard CFWheels app with the following changes.
Every model extends SpokeModel instead of Model.
In the init function a call to spokeInit() must be made, it is important that this is called before all callback, property and associations calls. spokeInit() takes the following parameters:

    name: name
    required: No
    type: string
    hint: The display Name on the front end, defaults to modelName
    name: istype
    required: No
    type: boolean
    hint: If this is true we treat this model as a type, defaults to false
    name: nameColumn
    required: No
    type: string
    hint: The Name of each instance (can be a composite column or a calculated column), defaults to 'name'
    name: DescColumn
    required: No
    type: string
    hint: The Description of each instance (can be a composite column or a calculated column), defaults to ''
    name: ColumnOrder
    required: No
    type: array
    hint: An array of column names, the order is the order they appear on the form, if they are omitted from this list then they are not shown - defaults to the database order
    name: HiddenFields
    required: No
    type: string
    hint: An list of column names that should NOT be displayed on the front end form.
    name: searchColumns
    required: No
    type: string
    hint: a list of columns that are used in searches in addition to name and description. If not set uses name and description only.
    name: hidePrimaryKey
    required: No
    type: boolean
    default: true
    hint: Do not show the primary key column on the front end form - note that an enterprising user could still figure it out unless you use obfuscation
    name: editorRoute
    required: No
    type: struct
    hint: If this is supplied then this model will be edited via the page specified instead of in SpokeDM, is passed as params to URLFor()
    name: listRoute
    required: No
    type: struct
    hint: If this is supplied then this model will not list it's objects in Spoke DM but provide a link to the page specified, is passed as params to URLFor()

SpokeDM also extends CFWheels property function with the below params, we also make use of CFWheels label param which is what we display on the front end:

    name: spokeType 
    required: No
    type: string
    hint: A string that overrides the type set in the database, can be one of; display, integer, string, datetime, date, time, boolean, float, binary, dropdown.
    NOTE that binary is currently not supported as a display unless you implement it in the formBase.cfm. the dropdown option must also have the spokeOptions setting included.
    name: spokeOptions
    required: No
    type: array
    hint: an array of strings/{key: string, name: string} that are used as the dropdown options. (If this is defined then the spoketype doesn't need to be set)
    name: spokePlaceholder
    required: No
    type: string
    hint: Used as the default/unselected value in dropdowns or as the placeholder value in all other inputs as suitable (some don't support it, like display or checkboxes)
    name: spokeTip
    required: No
    type: string
    hint: Used as the tip that is displayed next to the label on the form

We also have added a param to the belongsTo() function call that allows us to specify whether the relationship should be treated as a type/lookup and would be displayed as a dropdown on the front end:

    name: spokeType
    required: No
    type: boolean
    hint: if true will display on the front end as a dropdown not a related table

There is also a custom function called listFilter in the SpokeModel.cfc you can overwrite if you wish to filter what objects are shown in a list, for example; by the currently logged in user. It should return a struct that will be passed to a findAll (essentially).

Using Authentication Hooks

If using authentication, permissions or assorted login protocols make sure you look through:

NOTE: When using encrypted passwords (and we highly recommend you do), either use an external page to edit the model that contains the password or Use onBeforeValidate and afterFind callbacks in the model to encrypt and unencrypt the password. (We reccomend the former)

Timezone Settings

Update the date/time settings to what you'd like - events/OnApplicationStart.cfm (Default is UK/NZ date time format).

Libraries and Frameworks

Coffeescript (
SASS with Compass (SASS:, Compass:
AngularJS (
Twitter Bootstrap (
Font Awesome (
CFWheels 1.1.8 (
jQuery 1.8.3 (
Twitter Bootstrap DateTimePicker Plugin (
AngularStrap - Bootstrap Directives for AngularJS (
DBMigrate - for the demo scripts (

Future Features

These are features I wanted/needed to include but ran out of time to do so.

Unspecified Future Release: