Simon-Lavery / SLTaxi-website

Website for a taxi company
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Welcome, this is my website I have built while learning web development.

This is a live site that I use for my full time job while I am learning and I am sure there are plenty of bugs to find, improvements to be made and lots of other things that could do with updating.

I have uploaded the site as a way to practice with git and get experience working with other developers. Any one from any skill level is welcome to submit pull requests, if you think I should be doing something different let me know, or if you would like me to explain how I done something I could help you.

This is my first README file (advice welcome)

Getting started

The site is built with HTML, CSS, Javascript, Node-js/express and ejs.

Just clone the repo

cd SLTaxi-website // cd into the directory
npm i             // install the dependencies
node index.js     // run the index.js file

I have started to convert the CSS to SCSS so this might be a beginer friendly place to start.

// DO NOT EDIT THE MAIN.CSS FILE DIRECTLY Run sass --watch public/scss:public/css

The only thing I have commented out is the Sendgrid API so the email form won't work, other than that the website should be running on localhost:4000