SimonOmega / UOPatchServer

A Python Script that provides a server connection for UOPatch.exe. This allows you to manually apply your RTPacth files to the UO Client.
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2nd March 2015 -

This Code Should Be a Functional Beta Test


Creative Commons Attribution: CC BY

This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. This is the most accommodating of licenses offered. Recommended for maximum dissemination and use of licensed materials.

Attribution 3.0 Unported CC BY



That being said this code is proof of concept and will be growing as there is time to work on it. This was built as an example of a possible server solution and not just a wrapper to the UOPatch.exe application (localy).

Quickstart Guide

It is rather featureless atm to use it do the following:

  1. You have to find your own patches. Try NEW UO Patches Repository
  2. Copy the patches to the archive folder, in their chronological order.
  3. Download Python 3.3.2 (or latest version).
  4. Download this file.
  5. Create a folder named archive it the same directory as
  6. Copy your patch files .rtp and .pat to the archive folder.
  7. Open your Ultima Online install directory.
  8. Edit vercfg.cfg in a text editor.
  9. Change the line ending in 8888 to localhost 8888
  10. Run python
  11. Wait a moment then run UOPatch.exe or uo.exe
  12. NOTE: Downloads seem slow because the files are sent 1KB at a time.

The patcher will attach to the Python script and begin to transfer the patch files. UOPatch.exe will apply the patches and complete it's operations.




In Febuary of 2015 I returned and RunUO has shutdown. I am going to try and bring this project forward with help from the github comunity, and those at PlayUO.


This could not be possible without help from the good people at RunUO. The Following People put forth a great effort in this:

Change Log

Jul - 07 - 2013 - Initial Release.
Aug - 07 - 2013 - Code Clean Up.
Feb - 01 - 2015 - Returned, House Keeping and cleanup.