SimonSta95 / GameHub_Capstone

Capstone project for the neueFische Java Fullstack Bootcamp
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🎮 GameHub Capstone Project
@NeueFische Java Fullstack Bootcamp

📖 Description

GameHub is a web application designed to help users manage their game collections. With GameHub, users can:

It’s the ultimate tool for any gamer who wants to keep track of their gaming adventures in one place!

🚀 Features (Planned)

🛠️ Tech Stack




External API Integration

📦 Installation

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone


  1. Install dependencies and run the application:

    mvn clean install
    mvn spring-boot:run
  2. Ensure MongoDB is running locally or connected to a MongoDB Atlas cluster.

  3. The backend will be available at http://localhost:8080/.


  4. Install the required packages and run the development server:

    npm install
    npm run dev
  5. The frontend will be available at http://localhost:5173/.