SimonTopp / drb_generalizability_data_release

This is the model archive and data release associated with Topp et al. 2022
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Need to have non-CRAN packagesdssecrets, meddle, and scipiper installed, among other packages. Need to have CRAN package sbtools installed

Repo File Details

Data processing scripts


All Science Base items and child items should have an associated metadata page build in a yaml. They are saved in in_text folder and should match the respective parent and/or child data yamls. E.g. the metadata file for the output files stored in 1_spatial.yml is in ./in_text/text_01_spatial.yml.

Please build your metadata work off the pre-populated metadata templates that meet the fgdc structure and map to the expected xml on


Remake yml is the single source for uploads to sciencebase, and there are two ways to do this in the template. The more simple first method pushes the data and metadata in two separate targets using and XX_sb_data XX_sb_xml via functions sb_render_post_xml() (transforms to xml and pushes to SB) and sb_replace_files (pushes datafiles to SB)

The second method uploads data and the xml (metadata) and data at the same time. This upload approach uses an internal task table (log) where you can specify all files that should be pushed to the same sbid at one time. Again, because the upload step uses an internal task table, data files aren't replaced everytime you fix a metadata typo or add information to a metadata field. The result of the sciencebase push step is a file with timestamps for when each file got pushed that can be checked into GitHub. Having the file with timestamps in GitHub will clearly show when updates were made and will render nicely without having to build the object target locally.

Depending on what approach you choose, make sure to comment out the irrelevant code chunks and targets:

      - 00_parent_sb_xml

      - 01_spatial_sb_xml
      - 01_spatial_sb_data
#      - log/01_spatial_sb_data.csv

For simple data uploads to SB without building a log file, use sb_replace_files() function from src/sb_utils.R. Two parameters are required by this function: the sb_id, and the data file(s) to publish, that are stored in the local out_data folder.

To push the files to ScienceBase with the log table, use the sb_replace_files_log() function from src/sb_utils.R of this repo template. If you are uploading many files at once using sb_replace_files_log (either in a file hash or just multiple files passed in through ...), it is recommended to use a task table to do so. Internal task table methods are enabled by default. If you do not want to use an internal task table, set the use_task_table = FALSE when using sb_replace_files. You must also specify the file(s) where the sb_replace_files_log functions exist using the argument, sources. You can specify multiple files and a file hash file in one call to sb_replace_files_log. Currently, each sb_replace_files functions can only push to one sbid.


     command: sb_replace_files_log(
       filename = target_name,
       sb_id = sbid_01_spatial,
       sources = "src/sb_utils.R",