SimulationEverywhere / CDPP_ExtendedStates-codename-Santi

An extended and improved version of CD++ for Cell-DEVS
MIT License
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CD++ - Extended States

An extended and improved version of CD++ for Cell-DEVS.

Getting Started


The easiest way to get the source code is by cloning the git repository:

 $ git clone 



In order to compile the simulator kernel, go to the directory where its source code is located and run make. For example,

 $ cd cdpp/src
 $ make

Upon finishing, the bin subdirectory will contain the executable file cd++. A static library containing core functionality of the simulator is also provided by default.


Simulation of a Cell-DEVS model

If you wish to simulate the model described by, say, file, execute:

 $ bin/cd++

Simulation of an ad-hoc atomic model

For this we suggest to use as baseline the pulse example included in the project (see examples/pulse/src). In particular, it is important to include a Makefile defining, at least,

It is also important to include an implementation of the function

void register_atomics_on(ParallelModelAdmin &admin)

whose purpose is to register into the kernel the atomic models that the user wants to use. In general, it is sufficient to include a line like the following:

admin.registerAtomic(NewAtomicFunction<ModelClass>(), "Model name");

Please see the aforementioned example included in the source code for further details.


Updated since 2017 by Discrete Event Simulation Lab, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires (see changelog).


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.