SindenLightgun / SindenLightgunLinux

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Sinden Lightgun - Linux Utilities

BETA - this is currently in a BETA phase. The Pi is setup is properly configured. Unclear if the 32/64 bit binaries were properly included from the original driver files.

Want to test them out and let us know?


This repo contains all the Sinden Lightgun Linux utilities for setup and configuration. After successfully running the setup scripts it will:

Report bugs



New install

This will download the latest version of the Sinden Lightgun utilities

cd /home/pi; \
git clone; \
cd SindenLightgunLinux; \
echo ""; \
VERSION=$(git symbolic-ref --short -q HEAD); echo "Current Version ${VERSION}"


Update the files of your current version:

cd /home/pi/SindenLightgunLinux
git pull

Re-run setup if there were Sinden utility changes. This should be able to be run anytime without negative affects.


Change to a new version

If you are a new install, you will be on the default branch of the repo, typically the most current. If you want to change the version of either a new install or an update to a newer version, you can grab all versions, list them, and change via:

cd /home/pi/SindenLightgunLinux
git fetch; git branch
git branch checkout VERSION_NAME

Configure / Setup

Configure Sinden Lightgun dependencies, utilities, and borders. These scripts will install/update the software as needed, but not touch an existing configuration file(s).

cd /home/pi/SindenLightgunLinux; \
chmod 755 *.sh; \
./; \
./; \

Per Architecture Binaries

If the set-up script does not determine your arch properly (it should indicate this), you will need to manually copy the files over. Determine which architecture you are running on and perform the following command based on your arch.


cp -r arch/Pi-ARM/* bin/


cp -r arch/x86_32/* bin/


cp -r arch/x86_64/* bin/


You should now reboot to have EmulationStation include the Lightgun

Example Configs

Can be found here


Gun test not working

Gun not working in an emulator/game

Auto Start/Stop not working, but gun works

With the gun plugged in run

cat /proc/bus/input/devices

This should output a list of devices, including 3 entries for Sinden Gun. One of the entries should be Name="SindenCameraE and have a line that identifies the vendor/product/version. Those values should be

I: Bus=0003 Vendor=32e4 Product=9210 Version=0100

If they are not, the ID for your gun is different, and why the auto detect may not be working

You will need to change the values in /etc/udev/rules.d/99-sinden-lightgun.rules to match your gun.

TODO if this is an actual bug, need to add a hook to NOT swap an updated file out.