SirPlease / L4D2-Competitive-Rework

Just refreshing and optimizing the core files a bit, eh?
GNU General Public License v3.0
234 stars 126 forks source link

L4D2 Competitive Rework



This project started off with a focus on reworking the very outdated platform for competitive L4D2. In its current state it allows anyone to host their own up to date competitive L4D2 servers. This project is Actively Developed.

Included Matchmodes:

  • Zonemod 2.8.9c
  • Zonemod Hunters
  • Zonemod Retro
  • NeoMod 0.4a
  • NextMod 1.0.5
  • Promod Elite 1.1
  • Acemod Revamped 1.2
  • Equilibrium 3.0c
  • Apex 1.1.2

Important Notes


Foundation/Advanced Work:

  • A1m`
  • AlliedModders LLC.
  • "Confogl Team"
  • Dr!fter
  • Forgetest
  • Jahze
  • Lux
  • Prodigysim
  • Silvers
  • XutaxKamay
  • Visor

Additional Plugins/Extensions:

  • Accelerator74
  • Arti
  • AtomicStryker
  • Backwards
  • BHaType
  • Blade
  • Buster
  • Canadarox
  • CircleSquared
  • Darkid
  • DarkNoghri
  • Dcx
  • Devilesk
  • Die Teetasse
  • Disawar1
  • Don
  • Dragokas
  • Dr. Gregory House
  • Epilimic
  • Estoopi
  • Griffin
  • Harry Potter
  • Jacob
  • Luckylock
  • Madcap
  • Mr. Zero
  • Nielsen
  • Powerlord
  • Rena
  • Sheo
  • Sir
  • Spoon
  • Stabby
  • Step
  • Tabun
  • Target
  • TheTrick
  • V10
  • Vintik
  • VoiDeD
  • xoxo
  • $atanic $pirit

Competitive Mapping Rework:

  • Aiden
  • Derpduck

Testing/Issue Reporting:

  • Too many to list, keep up the great work in reporting issues!

NOTE: If your work is being used and I forgot to credit you, my sincere apologies.
I've done my best to include everyone on the list, simply create an issue and name the plugin/extension you've made/contributed to and I'll make sure to credit you properly.