Siro-ai / SiroSDK

SDKs for interacting with from other applications.
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SiroSDK for iOS

SiroSDK allows your users to create Siro recordings without navigating out of your app why


Siro SDK allows you to display a recording button. It also exposes an API to control recordings as a byproduct of existing interactions in your app, making the recording experience automatic to the end user.


Swift UI Installation

1. Add SiroSDK to Cocoapods in your Podfile:

pod 'SiroSDK'

2. Add the following keys to the Info.plist:

3. Ensure background audio recording is enabled


4. Call setup() and handleAppWillTerminate() within app entry point

Example App Entry Point (e.g., SiroSDKExampleApp.swift)

import SiroSDK
import SwiftUI

struct SiroSDKExampleApp: App {
    @UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor(AppDelegate.self) var appDelegate
    init() {
        // For staging, use SiroSDK.setup(environment: .staging)
        SiroSDK.setup()  // <--- Add This

    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {

// Add the App Delegate if it doesn't already exist
class AppDelegate: NSObject, UIApplicationDelegate {
    func applicationWillTerminate(_ application: UIApplication) {
        SiroSDK.handleAppWillTerminate() // <--- insert this to stop recordings in progress when the app is about to terminate

5. Add the SiroSDK UI to your root view using the SiroSDKButton.

Root View (e.g., ContentView.swift)

import SiroSDK
import SwiftUI

struct SiroSDKExampleApp: App {
    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {

UIKit Installation

1. Add SiroSDK to Cocoapods in your Podfile:

pod 'SiroSDK'

2. Add the following keys to the Info.plist:

3. Ensure background audio recording is enabled


4. Add handleAppWillTerminate() within ApplicationWillTerminate in the AppDelegate.swift

import UIKit
import SiroSDK

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {

  /** Your AppDelegate code */

  func applicationWillTerminate(_ application: UIApplication) {
      SiroSDK.handleAppWillTerminate() // <--- insert this to stop recordings in progress when the app is about to terminate

Usage & Customization

You can use the provided methods below to control your app's interaction with the SiroSDK. However, the SiroSDK includes an opinionated button that can be immediatly used with minimal setup. Learn more in the Included Button section.

Toggle Recording View

The recording view can be toggled using the following methods: // Shows Recording Bottom Sheet
SiroSDK.hide() // Hides Recording Bottom Sheet

Read recording status

SiroSDK.recordingStatus: SKRecorderState is an enum with the current recording status. It can be one of the following:

public enum SKRecorderState {
    case paused
    case stopped
    case recording
    case notStarted

Configure Events to Start and Stop Recording

Send events to the SiroSDK to control the recorder (e.g., start recording, save recording, discard recording, save and start new recording). Different sales reps have different workflows, and events allow the flexibility for sales reps to customize their workflow. You send a string of something happening in your app (e.g., map opened or pin dropped), and the recorder will respond according to the user settings or default behavior (e.g., start a new recording). You can also include metadata with each event to improve the quality of analytics provided by Siro. Metadata is of the InteractionData type. We currently support the events below. If you’d like other events, please reach out to and we’ll get back to you same-day with the updates.

Default Events and Actions:

eventName recorder action
start start recorder
stop stop recorder
openPinMenu start recorder
openLead start recorder
openDataGridPanel start recorder
dispositioned stop recorder
pinClosed stop recorder
closeDataGridPanel start recorder

Siro SDK must be initialized, otherwise events will be ignored. Check SiroSDK.initialized for the current initialization status.

SiroSDK.sendEvent(_ eventName: String, interactionData: InteractionData?)

Logout the Current User

Users authenticate with the SDK using their Siro credentials. When the user logs out of your app, they should also be logged out of the SDK separately. You can logout the current user using the following:


Included Button

The SiroSDK provides a opinioned button that can be added to you app to quickly integrate with the SiroSDK.

SwiftUI Usage

HStack {
    VStack {
        // optional buttonRadius - defaults to 30
        SiroSDKButton(buttonRadius: CGFloat)

UIKit Usage

// optional buttonRadius - defaults to 30
let siroSDKButton = SiroSDKButton(buttonRadius: CGFloat).uiView()
siroSDKButton.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false

// Setup Constraints
        siroSDKButton.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.bottomAnchor),
        siroSDKButton.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.trailingAnchor, constant: -8)


You can use the SiroSDKUserDelegate to handle user state change events upon login and logout. The SiroSDKUserDelegate supports two functions: didLoginUser and didLogoutUser.

import SiroSDK
import SwiftUI

struct UserDelegate: SiroSDKUserDelegate {
    func didLoginUser(user _: SiroUser) {
        print("didLoginUser called")

    func didLogoutUser() {
        print("didLogoutUser called")

SiroSDK.userDelegate = UserDelegate()