SirryChen / CACL

Repo of CACL framework for bot detection
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CACL: Community-Aware Heterogeneous Graph Contrastive Learning for Social Media Bot Detection

Accepted by ACL 2024 Findings

CACL is a Community-Aware Heterogeneous Graph Contrastive Learning framework and we apply it to social media bot detection.

The implementation of CACL is mainly based on Pytorch and Pytorch Geometric API.


The steps to reimplement this work mainly contain:


We have used three datasets throughout the entire work. You may need to contact the author to get access to some of them.

Training details

Using dataset Cresci-15 and backbone HGT for example.

Once you preprocess the dataset using, then you can:

Here are some key options of the hyperparameters

The details of other optional hyperparameters can be found in the function super_parament_initial() in


Please consider citing the following paper when using our code for your application.

  author       = {Sirry Chen and
                  Shuo Feng and
                  Songsong Liang and
                  Chen{-}Chen Zong and
                  Jing Li and
                  Piji Li},
  editor       = {Lun{-}Wei Ku and
                  Andre Martins and
                  Vivek Srikumar},
  title        = {{CACL:} Community-Aware Heterogeneous Graph Contrastive Learning for
                  Social Media Bot Detection},
  booktitle    = {Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics, {ACL} 2024,
                  Bangkok, Thailand and virtual meeting, August 11-16, 2024},
  pages        = {10349--10360},
  publisher    = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
  year         = {2024},
  url          = {},
  timestamp    = {Tue, 27 Aug 2024 17:38:11 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}