SitecoreUnicorn / Unicorn

A Sitecore utility designed to simplify deployment of Sitecore items across environments automatically
MIT License
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c-sharp serialization sitecore unicorn

la la la la

Unicorn is a utility for Sitecore that solves the issue of moving templates, renderings, and other database items between Sitecore instances. This becomes problematic when developers have their own local instances - packages are error-prone and tend to be forgotten on the way to production. Unicorn solves this issue by writing serialized copies of Sitecore items to disk along with the code - this way, a copy of the necessary database items for a given codebase accompanies it in source control.

For basic usage, Unicorn has two moving parts:

Unicorn avoids the need to manually select changes to merge unlike some other serialization-based solutions because the disk is always kept up to date by the data provider. This means that if you pull changes in from someone else's Sitecore instance you will have to immediately merge and/or conflict resolve the serialized files in your source control system - leaving the disk always the master copy of everything. Then if you execute the sync page, the merged changes are synced into your Sitecore database. Unicorn uses the Rainbow serialization engine, which uses some format enhancements that make it far simpler to merge than the Sitecore default format.

Is this like TDS?

Unicorn solves some of the same issues as Hedgehog's TDS. The major difference in approach is that because Unicorn forces all of the merging to be done on the disk, you never have to manually select what to update when you're running a sync operation or remember to write changed items to disk. Unless you have actual collisions, this saves a lot of time because you can take advantage of Git, SVN, TFS, etc to do automerges for you. That said, TDS and Unicorn have different feature sets and goals. TDS is a monolithic product with commercial support and marketing that does a lot more than just serialization. Unicorn is relatively simple, free and open source, and does one thing well. Use whatever makes you happy :)

Initial Setup

Using Unicorn

When using Unicorn it's important to follow the expected workflow.

Unicorn Features

There are a few special features that Unicorn has that are worth mentioning.

You can find further details about Unicorn 4 at Kam's blog:

There is also a series of blog posts detailing Unicorn 3 (and why the Rainbow serialization format exists) at Kam's blog, which are still relevant:

Best Practices

Automated Deployment

With Unicorn you've got two options for automated deployment of item changes, for example from a Continuous Integration server or production deploy scripts.

Use Transparent Sync

When using Transparent Sync, the items on disk magically appear in Sitecore without syncing. So one automated deployment option is to simply use Transparent Sync and copy your updated serialized items to the deployment target alongside your code. This is advantageous because it's simple to set up and requires no direct intervention with the deployed server after deployment (e.g. a HTTP call).

Use the Automated Tool API

Unicorn has an automated tool API whereby you can invoke actions in the Unicorn control panel from a script, such as invoking a sync after a code deployment.

NOTE: Automated Tool API is completely overhauled in Unicorn 3.1 and later, and these instructions are for 3.1+ only

Tools are authenticated using a shared secret between the tool and the Sitecore server running Unicorn, which is relayed via CHAP+HMAC-SHA512. The practical upshot of this is that the shared secret never travels over the wire, the authentication key is unique every time, and replay attacks are not possible. You should still use the tool API over a TLS (SSL) connection if possible.

Calls to the control panel from an automated tool behave a little differently from interactive control panel sessions. Specifically:

Ok, ok. Shut up about crypto and tell me how to set it up.

  1. Generate a very long random shared secret key, preferably using a password generator. There are no limits on character count, character types, etc but it must be > 30 characters.
  2. Install the shared secret into the Unicorn.UI.config file - or a patch thereof, under the authenticationProvider/SharedSecret node. There are comments to help.
  3. To call the tool API from a script, a PowerShell module is provided. Acquire the module and its supporting files from the packages\Unicorn.version\tools\PSAPI folder of where you installed the Unicorn NuGet package. (Alternatively, it's also in doc\PowerShell Remote Scripting folder of the Unicorn git repository, however this is always the latest and not necessarily matching your installed Unicorn version)
  4. Review the sample.ps1 file and adapt it to your needs, including putting the shared secret into it and setting the URL as needed. Don't worry the guts of sample.ps1 are two simple lines of code :)

NOTE: When deploying to a Content Editing or Content Delivery server, the Unicorn configuration should be trimmed down from development. Each config file in App_Config/Include/Unicorn has comments at the top designating what environment(s) it should live on. If you opt to use Transparent Sync as a deployment mechanism, make sure you do not disable the data provider config file.

Darren Guy has written a practical dissertation on his experiences setting up Unicorn 3 with TeamCity and Octopus Deploy that goes all the way from install to automated deployment. A recommended read if you're wanting to use a similar setup.

Andrew Lansdowne has also written a post (for version 1, so some of it is outdated but the concepts still apply) about setting up Unicorn with TeamCity and WebDeploy that may be useful when setting up automated deployments.

Unicorn's Sync Rules

Note: these rules concern the default Evaluator only. This is probably what makes sense for most people, but be aware you can plug in and change all of this: for example the NewItemsOnlyEvaluator only writes new items into Sitecore and ignores all others (see Unicorn.Configs.NewItemsOnly.example in the config folder for an example)


Manual Installation/Install from Source

Advanced Usage and Customization

Unicorn uses a very flexible configuration system based on Dependency Injection that allows you to plug in your own rules for almost any part of what Unicorn does.


The IConfiguration is the heart of all Unicorn customizations. This is an abstracted IoC container that contains registrations for all other pluggable types. The container is Unicorn's own very tiny purpose built IoC container 'Micro', and it does not depend on any other DI libraries.

But wait, there's more. You can configure more than one IConfiguration using the IConfigurationProvider. The default provider is registered in Unicorn.config (configurationProvider element). It reads configuration from...the Unicorn.config. The defaults element defines the standard dependency configuration, and the configurations/* elements define custom configurations that can override the defaults. Each dependency type can have non-DI constructor params (string or bool) passed to it by adding XML attributes to the main declaration - e.g. <foo type="..." bar="hello"> would pass "hello" to public MyType(string bar). You can also receive any XML body passed to the dependency to a configNode XmlNode parameter. This is how the SerializationPresetPredicate defines its preset.


The evaluator is a very powerful thing to customize. Evaluators are responsible for:

For examples check out Unicorn.Evaluators.SerializedAsMasterEvaluator, which uses the Rainbow ItemComparer to compare items.


The predicate is another powerful customization. Predicates define what items get included and excluded from Unicorn - for both automatic serialization and the sync process.

The default predicate uses serialization presets, but it's easy to imagine other possibilities such as a rules engine based preset.

For examples see Unicorn.Predicates.SerializationPresetPredicate

Field Filter

The Field Filter is a way to exclude certain fields from being controlled by Unicorn. Note that the control is not complete in that the value of ignored fields is never stored; it is stored and updated when other fields' values that are included change. However it is never deserialized or considered in the evaluator, and thus the value is effectively ignored.

For examples see Rainbow.Filtering.ConfigurationFieldFilter

Target Data Store

The target data store defines where we are writing serialized items to. The default target data store uses Rainbow's SFS tree structure and YAML serialization formatter.

For examples see the Rainbow project's various IDataStore implementations.

Source Data Store

The source data store is another Rainbow IDataStore that defines where we read values from and sync values to. Normally this is the Rainbow Sitecore data store, however you could also hook up a sync say between two separate serialization formats, or a serialization database - your imagination is the limit :)


The loader class encapsulates the logic of walking the tree in the Serialization Provider and comparing it to the tree in the Source Data Provider. It checks the Predicate to determine inclusion, and invokes the Evaluator to determine how to deal with changes.

Normally this will not require customization, as its dependencies provide the extension points.

Example: Unicorn.Loader.SerializationLoader

Data Provider Architecture

There are two components to the Unicorn data provider: the database-specific implementation, and the Unicorn implementation.

The Unicorn implementation is an individual configuration of Unicorn dependencies that get automatic serialization. For example, if you were serializing two presets you'd need two instances of UnicornDataProvider - one for each IPredicate implementation.

The database specific implementation is a subclass of the original Sitecore data provider that provides a container for one or more UnicornDataProvider instances. Out of the box, a UnicornSqlServerDataProvider is provided. You could roll your own if you're on Oracle. This provider is effectively an unblockable event handler that allows Unicorn to trap item changes even if the evil EventDisabler class is being used.

If you want to wire multiple Unicorn data providers to your database, you create a class that derives from UnicornSqlServerDataProvider. In this class you can select to:


Well you just read that didn't you? If you have questions or bugs, feel free to open an issue.

You can also find help on Sitecore Community Slack in #unicorn or on Twitter (@kamsar).