Sk8kman / SongPlayer

A Fabric mod for Minecraft that plays noteblocks
MIT License
14 stars 4 forks source link


A Fabric mod for Minecraft that plays songs with noteblocks. The current version is for Minecraft 1.20.5 - 1.20.6

How to install

You can grab the mod jar from releases section. This mod requires fabric api.

Adding songs

You can put midis or NoteBlockStudio files in the .minecraft/songs folder. SongPlayer supports any valid midi and all versions of NBS files, as well as properly formatted .txt files. .txt formatted as tick:pitch:instrument in every line. example: 0:18:5 note: .txt can have lines commented out if they start with #

Using the client

To get started, add some midis or nbs files to your songs folder, and use $play <filename>. If you have provided it a valid midi or nbs file, it will play your song different ways depending on your play mode.


All the commands are not case-insensitive.


OR: $help \

Lists all SongPlayer commands or explains a command and shows the command usage.

$play \

Plays a particular midi from the .minecraft/songs folder, or, if a url is specified, downloads the song at that url and tries to play it.

If there is a song already playing, the new song will be added to the queue.


Pauses songs Note: When a song is paused, you can move around freely


$aliases: $unpause

Resumes playing a song from when it was last paused

$playlist \<create, delete, play>

OR: $playlist \ <addedfirst, alphabetically, shuffle>

OR: $playlist \ \ \<add, remove> \

Manage or play a list of songs

$setPlayMode \<client, commands, gamemode, survival>

$aliases: $playMode, $pMode, $updatePlayMode

Change what method to use when playing songs.

$setStage <default, legacy, compact>

$aliases: $stage, $updateStage

Changes the shape of the stage when automatically building noteblocks.


Sets the command prefix used to execute these commands. Example: $prefix ! will change commands to !example command instead of $example command

$buildDelay <ticks, frames>

$aliases $bd

Change the delay of building / tuning noteblocks

$minimumVolume <0 - 127>

Skip notes if the volume is below the threshold. This can be used for playing black midi or to try to keep below the packet limit. Note: Won't have any effect if volume is toggled off

$toggle <allMovements, rotate, swing, useExactInstrumentsOnly, usePacketsOnly, volume> <true, false>

Toggles certain features I added as ideas when forking this. All are toggled to false by default.


Stops playing/building and clears any queue or playlist.


Skips the current song and goes to the next one in the queue or playlist.

$goto \

Goes to a specific time in the song.


Toggles song looping. (This will loop an entire playlist if you are playing one)


aliases: $current

Gets the status of the current song that is playing.


aliases: $showQueue

Shows all the songs in the queue or playlist.


aliases: $list, $listSongs

Lists the songs in your .minecraft/songs folder.

$command <get, reset, toggle> <creative, survival, playnote, displayprogress>

OR: $command set <creative, survival, playnote, displayprogress> \

aliases: $setCmd

Changes what command is used for certain circumstances, or used to stop SongPlayer from running commands on its own.

$setCreativeCommand \

aliases: $sc, $creativeCommand

Shortcut for $setCommand creative For example, if the server uses vanilla commands, do $setCreativeCommand /gamemode creative.

$setSurvivalCommand \

aliases: $ss, $survivalCommand

Shortcut for $setCommand survival For example, if the server uses vanilla commands, do $setSurvivalCommand /gamemode survival.


aliases: $essentials, $useEssentials, $essentialsCommands

Switch to using Essentials gamemode commands.

Equivalent to $setCommand creative /gmc and $setCommand survival /gms


$aliases: $vanilla, $useVanilla, $vanillaCommands

Switch to using vanilla gamemode commands.

Equivalent to $setCommand creative /gamemode creative and $setCommand survival /gamemode survival


aliases: $fakePlayer, $fp

Toggles whether a fake player will show up to represent your true position while playing a song. When playing a song, since it automatically enables freecam, your true position will be different from your apparent position. The fake player will show where you actually are. By default, this is disabled.


A command I used for testing during development. It plays every single noteblock sound possible in order. However, there are 400 possible noteblocks. So depending on the stage you are using, some notes aren't played.


--- using gamemode --- SongPlayer places noteblocks with nbt and instrument data already in them, so the noteblocks do not need to be individually tuned. Ayunami2000 has previously done a proof-of-concept of this method.

My client will automatically detect what noteblocks are needed and place them automatically before each song is played, which makes playing songs quite easy. The only drawback is that you need to be able to switch between creative and survival mode, which my client will attempt to do automatically.

When playing a song, freecam is enabled. You will be able to move around freely, but in reality you are only moving your camera while your player stays at the center of the noteblocks. This is because noteblocks can only be played if you're within reach distance of them, so you have to stand at the center of the noteblocks to play them, but it's still nice to be able to move around while your song is playing.

--- using survival --- SongPlayer scans the area around you for reachable noteblocks. It will tune the noteblocks to their needed pitch automatically and start playing. If SongPlayer cannot find the correct instrument it needs for a song, it will try to find a reasonable substitute for that note and use that instead if you have useExactInstrumentsOnly set to false.

A few drawbacks to this method is you will have to build your own stage manually before playing your song, and it takes a little while to set up the stage. However, this requires no permissions. Only survival mode, and the materials to build a stage.

--- using commands --- SongPlayer will use commands such as /playsound and display progress for everyone with /title by default.

This will only work if you have /op on a minecraft server, and some servers may kick you for spamming.

Use this mode with caution.

--- using client --- SongPlayer will read the song file and play it on your game. No one else can hear the songs besides you. However, you do not need any permissions on the server to use this.

This is nice if you want to test out song files before playing them for everyone else, or if you just want to enjoy your songs without any interruptions of other players.



- 1.20.5 & 1.20.6 support (dropped support for 1.20.4 and below)
- implemented a slighly modified merge request from OmBeanMC's which fixes .nbs volume to work with 1.20.5
- usePacketsOnly mode now plays block sounds when building stages


- 1.20.2 / 1.20.3 support
- added .txt song format (tick:pitch:instrumentID)


- added new commands:
  - $pause
  - $resume
  - $minimumVolume
  - $toggle <volume, useExactInstrumentsOnly, usePacketsOnly>
  - $setPlayMode survival
  - $buildDelay
  - $command
- features & changes:
  - Added support for playing songs in survival mode without switching gamemode ($setPlayMode survival)
  - Added support for pausing and resuming songs
  - Added volume support for .midi and .mid and most .nbs files (can be enabled via $toggle volume true)
  - Added a toggle for weather SongPlayer should use alternative instruments when playing in $playmode survival ($toggle useExactInstrumentsOnly)
  - Added a way to prevent notes that are below a certain volume from playing ($minimumVolume)
  - Added a way to change how fast you will build / tune noteblocks ($buildDelay)
  - Breaking blocks when building a stage will now respect your build delay settings rather than break 5 blocks every frame, as some servers would flag for nuker otherwise
  - SongPlayer will now automatically pause a song if you die while playing noteblocks or if you get moved away from your stage
  - SongPlayer will change gamemodes faster if you are an operator, as they don't get kicked for spamming commands
  - SongPlayer will not attempt to play the same note twice in one tick to reduce stress on servers when playing black midi
  - SongPlayer will be faster at switching gamemodes if you have /op permissions, as you don't get kicked for running commands too quickly
  - SongPlayer is faster at rebuilding stages in creative mode if it gets broken
  - FakePlayer better mimics your server-side position
  - Songs will now begin at the first note, and end at the last note, so there's no silence at the start or end of a song
  - You can change what commands SongPlayer will run with the $command command.
  - 1.20.1 support
- bug fixes:
  - Fixed (for the 3rd time) powered noteblocks confusing SongPlayer
  - Fixed some issues with FakePlayer
  - Playing black midi with a lot of notes will not lag the server as badly if at all

and probably more that I forgot about....


- Fixed an issue where you didn't teleport properly and could move around


- Fixed an issue where you wouldn't teleport to the center of the stage server-side when you start a song, causing some noteblocks to not be placed
- Changed the default command of playnote - replaced "player" with "record" (whoops)
- Minor changes to chat messages & typo fixes
- Added more command aliases


- Fixed an issue where the mod would switch to creative when it did not have to
- Fixed an issue where the mod would break more blocks that it should have when building the stage
- 1.19.4 support


- added new commands:
  - $setStage
  - $setPlayMode (replaces $toggle useCommandsToPlay)
- Added new stage layouts when switching gamemode to play:
  - default (11x10x11 stage, fits 353 noteblocks)
  - compact (11x11x11 stage, fits 400 noteblocks)
  - legacy (9x8x9 stage, fits 300 noteblocks - Not new, used in older versions of SongPlayer)
- Added support for playing songs client-side
- Command prefix can no longer be manually changed to begin with a / character
- Fixed a bug where powering noteblocks with redstone could cause infinite building loops, or have the note's pitch off by 1
- Fixed a crash when interacting with an entity while playing
- Fixed a bug where players could change noteblock types without the mod fixing it when using gamemode method of playing noteblocks
- Fixed an issue where the mod sometimes wouldn't detect blocks above noteblocks, and won't fix them, causing the noteblocks to not be played
- You no longer show sprinting particles from other players while playing


- added new commands:
  - $prefix
  - $toggle
  - $playlist
- SongPlayer will now attempt to restore what item you were holding before you started building, after it's finished building.
- Added support to change your command prefix
- Added support to rotate and swing your hand to the target noteblock while playing
- Added playlist support
- Added a way to use commands to play instead of noteblocks that can be played for the entire server. ($toggle useCommandsToPlay true, REQUIRES /OP)
- Added support for 1.19.3
- Added config file support, so the mod will remember your settings.
- You no longer teleport back to the stage when there's more songs in queue.