SkaceKamen / wot-model-converter

Converts World of Tanks models to wavefront obj format.
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World of Tanks Model Converter

Converts World of Tanks models to wavefront obj format.


Additional credits (not mentioned on github)

Thanks to Phux_and_the_WheelBearing (AKA Coffee), from whose code this script originates


Script requires .primitives and .visual files (or .primitives_processed and .visual_processed in case of WoT 0.9.12+) of model to create obj (and mtl) file. You can either specify only primitives file and script will assume visual file is in same folder with same name, but different extension, or you can specify path to visual file separatedly. Script can compress result obj and mtl files using zlib.

usage: [-h] [-v VISUAL] [-o OBJ] [-m MTL] [-t TEXTURES]
                            [-sx SCALEX] [-sy SCALEY] [-sz SCALEZ]
                            [-tx TRANSX] [-ty TRANSY] [-tz TRANSZ] [-c] [-nm]
                            [-nvt] [-nvn]

or [-gui]

Converts BigWorld primitives file to obj.

positional arguments:
  input                 primitives file path (wildcard accepted)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v VISUAL, --visual VISUAL
                        visual file path
  -o OBJ, --obj OBJ     result obj path
  -m MTL, --mtl MTL     result mtl path
                        path to textures
  -sx SCALEX, --scalex SCALEX
                        X scale
  -sy SCALEY, --scaley SCALEY
                        Y scale
  -sz SCALEZ, --scalez SCALEZ
                        Z scale
  -tx TRANSX, --transx TRANSX
                        X transform
  -ty TRANSY, --transy TRANSY
                        Y transform
  -tz TRANSZ, --transz TRANSZ
                        Z transform
  -c, --compress        Compress output using zlib
  -nm, --nomtl          don't output material
  -nvt, --novt          don't output UV coordinates
  -nvn, --novn          don't output normals

Example -o Hull.obj Hull.primitives

will output 'Hull.obj' with all model data and 'Hull.mtl' with materials -f collada -o Hull.dae Hull.primitives

will output 'Hull.dae' *.primitives_processed

will process all primitives_processed files and output .obj under current folder. -gui

will open window with options of exports


Python 2.7 - 3.5