Skeeve / PBibFix

A Pocketbook Application designed to fix entries in PocketBook's Library (Bibliothek) database
MIT License
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Currently this code is unusable.

I tried to fix it but it seems the database structure of PocketBooks has changed in the last years.

I do not think it's worth updating, convince me otherwise by opening a new issue.

Or check this repository with a similar and, I think, more advanced tool:


A Pocketbook Application designed to fix entries in PocketBook's Library (Bibliothek) database.


PocketBook is very picky about metadata found in epubs.

These are the first two issues this application is going to fix.

Please note: The application will not fix the meta data inside the books. It will only fix the entries in pocketbook's database.


I only have a Touch HD3 with firmware U632.6.1.900 so this is the only Version where I can test. Please feel free to report about other devices or firmware versions where you ran it successfully.


Copy to your pocketbook's applications directory. Use it each time you copied new books onto the device or at least each time you found a mistake in the library.


When you start the application it will first ask you, whether or not to remove any books from the database which are no longer present on the device and also are missing in the cloud, provided there are any.

It will then clean up those entries, if you wanted to and then fix other book entries.

At the end you will get a list of changes done and maybe errors encountered.

When running, the application creates a log file PBibFix.log.

This file is mainly for cases when the application encountered errors and you can delete it.

But in case you are interested what the script did, you can keep it.

Copy it over to your computer and view it with any text editor.

As the file extension is .log it's not easily possible to view the file directly on the device.


Please find a list of possible error messages below.

All these messages are followed by some more text.

These issues might not be easy to solve, so please report them on github.

Describe the issues in German or English, please.

This error can only be found in the log file.

The book with the filename did not parse correctly.

This usually happens with badly created ePub files.

To fix those issues, check that file using calibre or pagina's EPUB-checker.

For help with those issues, please go to e-reader-forum.

Describe the issue well and it's most probable that someone there can assist you.


Building PBibFix for your PocketBook device can easily be done if you have Docker installed. Simply execute:

docker-compose run make
cp src/PBibFix


For testing purposes, without the requirement to run the tests on the device, the dev service is provided.

First make a backup of your PocketBook's filesystem and place it in the directory ext1. On a Mac this can be done with (e.g.)

rsync -rav /Volumes/PB632/* ext1/
# or
mkdir ext1 ; cp -r /Volumes/PB632/* ext1/

Simply start the dev service

docker-compose run dev

and you will find yourself in a shell inside the src directory. You will find under /mnt/ext1 your PocketBook's backup you created earlier.

Under /ebrmain/bin you will find a small bash dialog script which (kind of) "mimics" the dialog program on the PocketBook.

From here you can do go build and run the resulting binary with ./PBibFix.

Software used

Denys provided a go pocketbook SDK. I updated it to a more recent version of go and use it for cross-compiling to ARM7 for PocketBook devices.

I use a fork of this epub module to extract a book's metadata.

The "standard" go module for accessing sqlite.

My current IDE of choice.