Skhmt / tapic

Twitch API & Chat. A javascript library for doing things with twitch chat, APIs, and pubsub. Can be used to make a HTML or Node.js bot. Or something.
MIT License
18 stars 5 forks source link

On September 12 2019, Twitch is permanently shutting down v3 of their API, which this was written for. I don't have the time to re-implement this in v5, so if you still use this, start migrating to a new framework (or use Twitch's API directly) now!


A Twitch API and Chat library in javascript.

This works in both Node.js and modern browsers. It makes accessing chat as easy as listening to events and it automatically polls the Twitch API at regular intervals, making lots of data accessible instantly that's at most a couple of seconds old, all without having to deal with HTTP requests, JSONP, IRC, Websockets, or anything else besides simple Javascript. At around 23KB minified, it's also light weight.

Tapic.js has coverage of most of the Twitch API, and makes accessing those last bits easy too.

View the complete reference docs here:


Download tapic.js or tapic.min.js from the /dist/ folder and include in your webpage via: <script src=""></script>.

See examples/web/index.html for examples on every part of tapic.js. Open up the console (F12 or ctrl-shift-i) to see the test outputs. You will need to put in an oauth token in index.html for it to work.

Alternatively, install via NPM: npm install tapic --only=production and include in your Node.js app via: let TAPIC = require('tapic');.

Alternatively alternatively, include using the rawgit cdn:

<script src="" integrity="sha384-tP/u941NluOMSS+4cQL8NCM9f0WZyXZ54BqeEVduqQyZGv2DZfXkZgIutpwpeMbO" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>


Navigate to the tapic directory

npm install

npm run build


This was written entirely in Javascript and has no runtime dependencies besides "ws" when used in node.

MIT License.