Skill-Match / skill-match-api

An API to feed JSON data of Parks and Recreation data in the Las Vegas area.
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skill-match-api is an API to feed JSON data of Parks and Recreation Centers in the Las Vegas area. Park data and location is stored in a PostGIS database so it can be used to query which parks are closest to you.

It is designed to be used by a front-end team of developers to create web applications for local municipalities.

A description of the endpoints is coming soon. For now you can see the endpoints and some of the HTTP Methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) at the following link. It may take up to 30 seconds to load, as it is a free Heroku app.

Features of the application as a whole:

^Pickleball is a game similar to Tennis, played with a ball similar to a heavy wiffle ball. We are looking to build something specific for Henderson, NV.