Sky360-Repository / simpletracker

MIT License
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Processing Stage 1 (SimpleTracker)

The purpose of this program is to capture or process 'interesting' videos and process them for input into Stage 2.

It can capture live images from an RSTP camera or a direct attached one and then generate videos, images and annotation files sutioable for input to Stage 2 and ultimately Stage 3 for training a Neural Net.

How does SimpleTracker work?

Most parts of Simple Tracker is driven by configuration, so are tweakable to an extent

Step 1 - 7 can be performed on both the CPU or GPU, however from Step 7 onwards its CPU only


We recommend using VSCode and runnning the application using the DevContainer. From the VSCode terminal type ./ to launch the application. Using the Dev Container there is no need to install dependencies as they are all in the container.


You can run a test which will create an outputvideo.mp4 with bounding boxes rendered into the video of the given input video.

Use the run file to launch the application


The full stage 1 capturing froma camera can be run using the following command:

SKY360_VISUALIZER=two_by_two \
SKY360_DETECTION_MODE=background_subtraction \
SKY360_FORMAT=mot_stf \
python uap_tracker/


Other settings can be found in the settings.toml file. Environemnt variables override settings.toml ones.


The output for the STF formatter is in this directory structure

 ./processed/                          # Processed videos
   annotations.json                    # Annotations file
   video.mp4                           # Original video transcoded to mp4 and split for this section
   training/                           # This will output traning images in incremnents of 32 pixels in size
     <frame_id:06>.{image_name>.jpg    # Images generated during detection such as 'original', 'grey', 'background_subtraction', 'optical_flow'
  "track_labels": {
    "1": "unknown"                     # track_id 1 has the label 'unknown'
  "frames": [
      "frame": 6,
      "annotations": {
        "bbox": [
        "track_id": 1